But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.
Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.
There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, "Hello" or "Thank you."
Leave and Job Applications – Interesting & Funny
This is a collection of leave letters and job applications written by people in various places of India ....
1. Infosys, Bangalore: An employee applied for leave as follows:
Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave.
2. This is from Oracle Bangalore:
From an employee who was performing the 'mundan' ceremony of his 10 year old son: 'as I want to shave my son's head, please leave me for two days..'
3. Another gem from CDAC. Leave-letter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding: 'as I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..'
4. From H.A.L. Administration dept:
'As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave.'
5. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
'Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave'
6. An incident of a leave letter: 'I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday.'
7. A leave letter to the headmaster:
'As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today'
8. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:
'As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.'
9. Covering note: 'I am enclosed herewith...'
10. Another one:
'Dear Sir: with reference to the above, please refer to my below...'
11. Actual letter written for application of leave:
'My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave'.
12. Letter writing: -
'I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well.'
13. A candidate's job application:
'This has reference to your advertisement calling for a ' Typist and an Accountant - Male or Female'...As I am both(!! )for the past several years and I can handle both with good experience, I am applying for the post.
1. Infosys, Bangalore: An employee applied for leave as follows:
Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife, please sanction me one-week leave.
2. This is from Oracle Bangalore:
From an employee who was performing the 'mundan' ceremony of his 10 year old son: 'as I want to shave my son's head, please leave me for two days..'
3. Another gem from CDAC. Leave-letter from an employee who was performing his daughter's wedding: 'as I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave..'
4. From H.A.L. Administration dept:
'As my mother-in-law has expired and I am only one responsible for it, please grant me 10 days leave.'
5. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
'Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clock and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave'
6. An incident of a leave letter: 'I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday.'
7. A leave letter to the headmaster:
'As I am studying in this school I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today'
8. Another leave letter written to the headmaster:
'As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.'
9. Covering note: 'I am enclosed herewith...'
10. Another one:
'Dear Sir: with reference to the above, please refer to my below...'
11. Actual letter written for application of leave:
'My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband at home I may be granted leave'.
12. Letter writing: -
'I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well.'
13. A candidate's job application:
'This has reference to your advertisement calling for a ' Typist and an Accountant - Male or Female'...As I am both(!! )for the past several years and I can handle both with good experience, I am applying for the post.
SMS Dictionary – Try It
:-0 hbtu 0-:happy birthday to you
@WRK At work
2bctnd to be continued.
2d4to die for
2g4uto good for you
2Ht2HndlToo hot to handle.
2l8too late
2WIMCTo whom it may concern
4yeo for your eyes only
AAM As a matter of fact.
AB Ah Bless!
ADctd2uv Addicted to Love
AFAIK As far as I know
AKA Also known as
ALlWanIsU All I want is You
AML All my love
ASAP As soon as possible
ATB All the best
ATW At the weekend
AWHFY Are we having fun yet
B4 Before
BBFN Bye Bye for now.
BBS Be back soon
BBSD Be back soon darling
BCNU Be seein' you
BF Boy Friend
BGWM Be gentle with me (please)
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
Cld9? Cloud 9?
Cm Call me
Cu See you
CUIMD See you in my dreams
Cul See you later
CUL8R See you later
Dk Don't know
Dur? Do you remember
E2eg Ear to ear grin
EOD End of discussion
EOL End of lecture
F? Friends
F2F face to face
F2T Free to talk
FITB Fill in the Blank
FYEO For your eyes only.
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
GF Girlfirend.
GG Good Game
GMeSumLuvin Give me some lovin’!
Gr8 Great
GSOH Good Salary, Own Home
GTSY Glad to see you
h2cus Hope to see you soon
H8 Hate
HAGN Have a good night
HAND Have a nice day
HldMeCls Hold me close
Ht4U Hot for You
H&K Hugs and Kisses
IDK I dont know
IGotUBabe Ive got you Babe
IIRC If I recall correctly
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMI I mean it
ILU I love You
IMBLuv It must be Love
IOW In other words...
IOU I owe you
IUSS If you say so
J4F just for fun
JFK Just for kicks
JstCllMe Just call Me
KC keep cool
KHUF know how you feel
KIT Keep in touch
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KOTL Kiss on the lips
L8 Late
L8r Later
Lol laughing out loud
LTNC Long time no see
LtsGt2gthr Lets get together
M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy!
M8 mate
MC merry Christmas
MGB May God Bless
Mob Mobile
MYOB Mind your own Business
NA No access
NC No comment
NE Any
NE1 Anyone
No1 No-One
NWO No way out
O4U only for you
OIC Oh, I see.
OTOH On the other hand
PCM Please call me
PPL People
QT Cutie
R Are
RMB Ring my Bell
ROTFL Roll on the floor laughing
RU? Are you?
RUOK? Are you Ok?
SC Stay cool
SETE Smiling Ear to Ear
SO Significant Other
SOL sooner or later
SME1 Some One
SRY Sorry
SWALK Sent with a loving Kiss
SWG Scientific Wild Guess
T+ Think positive
T2ul Talk to you later
TDTU Totally devoted to you
Thx Thanks
T2Go Time to Go
TIC Tounge in Cheek
TMIY Take me Im yours
TTFN Ta ta for now.
U You
UR Y ou are
URT1 Your are the one
VRI Very
W4u Waiting for you
WAN2 Want to
WLUMRyMe Will you marry Me?
WRT With respect to
WUWH Wish you were here
X! Typical Woman
X Kiss
XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours
Y! Typical Man
YBS You’ll be Sorry
:-0 hbtu 0-:happy birthday to you
@WRK At work
2bctnd to be continued.
2d4to die for
2g4uto good for you
2Ht2HndlToo hot to handle.
2l8too late
2WIMCTo whom it may concern
4yeo for your eyes only
AAM As a matter of fact.
AB Ah Bless!
ADctd2uv Addicted to Love
AFAIK As far as I know
AKA Also known as
ALlWanIsU All I want is You
AML All my love
ASAP As soon as possible
ATB All the best
ATW At the weekend
AWHFY Are we having fun yet
B4 Before
BBFN Bye Bye for now.
BBS Be back soon
BBSD Be back soon darling
BCNU Be seein' you
BF Boy Friend
BGWM Be gentle with me (please)
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
Cld9? Cloud 9?
Cm Call me
Cu See you
CUIMD See you in my dreams
Cul See you later
CUL8R See you later
Dk Don't know
Dur? Do you remember
E2eg Ear to ear grin
EOD End of discussion
EOL End of lecture
F? Friends
F2F face to face
F2T Free to talk
FITB Fill in the Blank
FYEO For your eyes only.
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
GF Girlfirend.
GG Good Game
GMeSumLuvin Give me some lovin’!
Gr8 Great
GSOH Good Salary, Own Home
GTSY Glad to see you
h2cus Hope to see you soon
H8 Hate
HAGN Have a good night
HAND Have a nice day
HldMeCls Hold me close
Ht4U Hot for You
H&K Hugs and Kisses
IDK I dont know
IGotUBabe Ive got you Babe
IIRC If I recall correctly
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMI I mean it
ILU I love You
IMBLuv It must be Love
IOW In other words...
IOU I owe you
IUSS If you say so
J4F just for fun
JFK Just for kicks
JstCllMe Just call Me
KC keep cool
KHUF know how you feel
KIT Keep in touch
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KOTL Kiss on the lips
L8 Late
L8r Later
Lol laughing out loud
LTNC Long time no see
LtsGt2gthr Lets get together
M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy!
M8 mate
MC merry Christmas
MGB May God Bless
Mob Mobile
MYOB Mind your own Business
NA No access
NC No comment
NE Any
NE1 Anyone
No1 No-One
NWO No way out
O4U only for you
OIC Oh, I see.
OTOH On the other hand
PCM Please call me
PPL People
QT Cutie
R Are
RMB Ring my Bell
ROTFL Roll on the floor laughing
RU? Are you?
RUOK? Are you Ok?
SC Stay cool
SETE Smiling Ear to Ear
SO Significant Other
SOL sooner or later
SME1 Some One
SRY Sorry
SWALK Sent with a loving Kiss
SWG Scientific Wild Guess
T+ Think positive
T2ul Talk to you later
TDTU Totally devoted to you
Thx Thanks
T2Go Time to Go
TIC Tounge in Cheek
TMIY Take me Im yours
TTFN Ta ta for now.
U You
UR Y ou are
URT1 Your are the one
VRI Very
W4u Waiting for you
WAN2 Want to
WLUMRyMe Will you marry Me?
WRT With respect to
WUWH Wish you were here
X! Typical Woman
X Kiss
XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours
Y! Typical Man
YBS You’ll be Sorry
~ Begin with name and contact details
Make this information available at the beginning of your CV. This should include your postal address, phone number (preferably mobile number) and e-mail address (only one). If a company wants to call you for an interview or needs to communicate with you for any further information, they will look out for this information. If it is buried somewhere inside the CV it will not only put them off but also reduce their chances of contacting you.
~ Write an appealing career summary
This is your chance to bring forward relevant strengths and skills to the recruiter. Everything in your CV should support your Career Summary. If there's anything that doesn't support your Career Summary, you should reconsider listing it.
You should write your Career Summary around your skills, attitude, knowledge and experience. There are two schools of thought on writing the career statement.
Some people think that it should be a short 30-40 word paragraph while others give it liberty to be covered in 4-5 bulleted points. Whatever you decide on, ensure that everything relevant that you want to sell to the prospective employer is covered here. At the same time, it should not become nauseating.
~ Focus on your work experience, responsibilities and achievements
If you are an experienced candidate, your work experience is your main asset. Include the details of the relevant jobs you have done in the past. You should present your work experience in a chronologically descending order ie the last company first.
This should include the name of the company, your designation and tenure followed by your job responsibilities and achievements. It is always better to present this information in bulleted format rather than a clumsy paragraph. Mention some figures when you talk about your achievements.
For example:
Worked as Business Development Manager for XYZ Company from June 2000 to January 2004.
Job responsibilities:
• Setting up 7 franchisees across 4 countries
• Maximising the business from existing customers to the tune of $ 200,000
~ Your next asset is your educational qualification
Educational qualifications play an important role in the recruitment of freshers. If you are a fresh candidate, focus your CV on your qualifications and achievements during your student life.
~ Write about your out-of-work achievements, interests and hobbies
These reflect your personality and skills. Present the relevant achievements in the order of priority ie the most important achievement first. Similarly, present your interests as well. Write about the achievements that display a facet of your personality. For example, if you have been the president of your college, do mention it. It shows your leadership skills.
~ Write short sentences with more impactful words
Lengthy CVs put the recruiter off. Keep the sentences short and use words that demonstrate your hold of the situation like managed, arranged, supervised etc.
~ Formal font faces
A font like Verdana-10 should be good for the content while the Name at the top can be written in Verdana-12, with a bold font face.
~ Use the same tense through out the CV.
Changing the tense in every second line leaves the reader confused and annoyed.
Make this information available at the beginning of your CV. This should include your postal address, phone number (preferably mobile number) and e-mail address (only one). If a company wants to call you for an interview or needs to communicate with you for any further information, they will look out for this information. If it is buried somewhere inside the CV it will not only put them off but also reduce their chances of contacting you.
~ Write an appealing career summary
This is your chance to bring forward relevant strengths and skills to the recruiter. Everything in your CV should support your Career Summary. If there's anything that doesn't support your Career Summary, you should reconsider listing it.
You should write your Career Summary around your skills, attitude, knowledge and experience. There are two schools of thought on writing the career statement.
Some people think that it should be a short 30-40 word paragraph while others give it liberty to be covered in 4-5 bulleted points. Whatever you decide on, ensure that everything relevant that you want to sell to the prospective employer is covered here. At the same time, it should not become nauseating.
~ Focus on your work experience, responsibilities and achievements
If you are an experienced candidate, your work experience is your main asset. Include the details of the relevant jobs you have done in the past. You should present your work experience in a chronologically descending order ie the last company first.
This should include the name of the company, your designation and tenure followed by your job responsibilities and achievements. It is always better to present this information in bulleted format rather than a clumsy paragraph. Mention some figures when you talk about your achievements.
For example:
Worked as Business Development Manager for XYZ Company from June 2000 to January 2004.
Job responsibilities:
• Setting up 7 franchisees across 4 countries
• Maximising the business from existing customers to the tune of $ 200,000
~ Your next asset is your educational qualification
Educational qualifications play an important role in the recruitment of freshers. If you are a fresh candidate, focus your CV on your qualifications and achievements during your student life.
~ Write about your out-of-work achievements, interests and hobbies
These reflect your personality and skills. Present the relevant achievements in the order of priority ie the most important achievement first. Similarly, present your interests as well. Write about the achievements that display a facet of your personality. For example, if you have been the president of your college, do mention it. It shows your leadership skills.
~ Write short sentences with more impactful words
Lengthy CVs put the recruiter off. Keep the sentences short and use words that demonstrate your hold of the situation like managed, arranged, supervised etc.
~ Formal font faces
A font like Verdana-10 should be good for the content while the Name at the top can be written in Verdana-12, with a bold font face.
~ Use the same tense through out the CV.
Changing the tense in every second line leaves the reader confused and annoyed.
1. Find a quiet environment. Do what you can to reduce external noise. If this is not completely possible, play a record or tape of soft, instrumental sounds, or sounds from nature. The sound of ocean waves makes a good background.
2. Reduce muscle tension. Spend some time, no more than 10-15 minutes, relaxing your muscles. Progressive muscle relaxation of the upper portion of the body your head, neck shoulders is often helpful. The following sequence of head and neck exercises may also be helpful (some progressive muscle relaxation in addition to this sequence is probably optimal).
• Slowly touch your chin to your chest three times
• Bend your head back to gently stretch the back of your neck three times
• Bend your head over to your right shoulder three times
• Bend your head over to your left shoulder three Times
• Slowly rotate your head clockwise for three complete rotations
• Slowly rotate your head counterclockwise for three complete rotations.
3. Sit properly.
Eastern Style: Sit cross legged on the floor with a cushion or pillow supporting your buttock. Rest your hands on your thighs with palms turned upward and fingers slightly open. Lean slightly forward so that some of your weight is supported by your thighs as well as your buttocks.
Western Style: Sit in a comfortable, straight-backed chair, with your feet on the floor and legs uncrossed, hands resting palms upward on your thighs, fingers slightly open.
In either position keep your back and neck as straight as possible without straining to do so. Do not assume a tight inflexible posture. If your need to scratch or move, do so in general, do not lie down or support your head, as this will tend to promote sleep.
4. Set aside 20-30 minutes for mediation (beginners might wish to start out with 5-10 minutes). You may wish to set a timer (within reach) or run a background tape that is 20-30 minutes long so that you'll know when you're done. If having a clock or watch available to look at makes you more comfortable, it's O.K. after you have practiced 20-30 minutes per day for several weeks, you may wish to try a one-hour meditation for more profound results. If you feel uncomfortable sensations or strong feelings coming up during a longer mediation period, simply stop mediating and relax. Refrain from pushing yourself to mediate for long time-periods unless it feels goods.
5. Avoid mediating on a full stomach or when you are tired.
6. Select a focus for your attention. The most common devices are your own breathing cycle or a mantra . Alternatives include a physical object such as a picture or candle flame-or else quiet contemplative music.
7. Assume a nonjudgmental, passive attitude.
• Concentrate on whatever you've chosen as an object of mediation but don't force or strain yourself to do so. If it is an internal image, object or word, close your eyes. When thoughts or daydreams come to your mind, attempt neither to hold on to them or to reject them too vigorously. Just allow them to come and go. This process might be compared to watching leaves float by on the surface of a stream.
• Every time your attention wanders from your object of focus, gently bring it back again. Distractions are normal don't judge yourself when they come up.
• Don't dwell on the outcome of your meditation. Don't trouble yourself with such doubts are whether you will be able to go deep enough in the remaining time. Refrain from judging your experience. There's no need to wonder how well you're doing during the meditation. Some mediations will be great, some mediocre, and sometimes it may be difficult to mediate at all.
• The more you let go and refrain from trying to do anything (other than gently guiding your attention back to your object of focus), the deeper your experience of the mediation will be.
• If after several practice sessions your mind is still racing and you can't meditate, try twenty minutes of progressive muscle relaxation prior to meditating.
Using a Mantra
1. Select a word to focus on.
• A Neutral word such as "one"
• Names of Allah.
• A word or phrase that has some special significance within your personal belief system. In his recent book, beyond the Relaxation Response, Benson describes how a word or phrase of special personal significance (such as, "I am at peace," "Let go", "Let God" deepens the effects of meditation.
2. Repeat this word or phrase, ideally on each exhalation.
3. As any thoughts come to mind, just let them pass over and through you and gently bring your attention back to the repetitive word or phrase.
Counting Breaths
1. As you sit quietly, focus on the inflow and outflow of your breath. Each time you breathe out, count the breath. You can count up to 10 and start over again, or keep counting as high as you like, or you can use to repeat "one" on each exhalation.
2. Each time your focus wanders, bring it back to your breathing and counting. If you get caught in an internal monologue or fantasy, don't worry about it or judge yourself. Just relax and return to the count again.
3. If your lose track of the count, start over at 1 or at a round number like 50 or 100
4. If you get bored with counting, just focus on the inflow and outflow of your breathing.
Whichever form of meditation you try, you might want to start out with short periods of 5-10 minutes and gradually lengthen them to 20-30 minutes over a period of two to three weeks. Most people find that it takes persistent and disciplined effort over a period of several months to become proficient at meditating. Even though meditation is the most demanding of relaxation techniques to learn, it is for many people the most rewarding. Research has found that among all relaxation techniques, meditation is the one people are most likely to persist in dong regularly. Once mastered, it will be a tool that you can use throughout your life.
2. Reduce muscle tension. Spend some time, no more than 10-15 minutes, relaxing your muscles. Progressive muscle relaxation of the upper portion of the body your head, neck shoulders is often helpful. The following sequence of head and neck exercises may also be helpful (some progressive muscle relaxation in addition to this sequence is probably optimal).
• Slowly touch your chin to your chest three times
• Bend your head back to gently stretch the back of your neck three times
• Bend your head over to your right shoulder three times
• Bend your head over to your left shoulder three Times
• Slowly rotate your head clockwise for three complete rotations
• Slowly rotate your head counterclockwise for three complete rotations.
3. Sit properly.
Eastern Style: Sit cross legged on the floor with a cushion or pillow supporting your buttock. Rest your hands on your thighs with palms turned upward and fingers slightly open. Lean slightly forward so that some of your weight is supported by your thighs as well as your buttocks.
Western Style: Sit in a comfortable, straight-backed chair, with your feet on the floor and legs uncrossed, hands resting palms upward on your thighs, fingers slightly open.
In either position keep your back and neck as straight as possible without straining to do so. Do not assume a tight inflexible posture. If your need to scratch or move, do so in general, do not lie down or support your head, as this will tend to promote sleep.
4. Set aside 20-30 minutes for mediation (beginners might wish to start out with 5-10 minutes). You may wish to set a timer (within reach) or run a background tape that is 20-30 minutes long so that you'll know when you're done. If having a clock or watch available to look at makes you more comfortable, it's O.K. after you have practiced 20-30 minutes per day for several weeks, you may wish to try a one-hour meditation for more profound results. If you feel uncomfortable sensations or strong feelings coming up during a longer mediation period, simply stop mediating and relax. Refrain from pushing yourself to mediate for long time-periods unless it feels goods.
5. Avoid mediating on a full stomach or when you are tired.
6. Select a focus for your attention. The most common devices are your own breathing cycle or a mantra . Alternatives include a physical object such as a picture or candle flame-or else quiet contemplative music.
7. Assume a nonjudgmental, passive attitude.
• Concentrate on whatever you've chosen as an object of mediation but don't force or strain yourself to do so. If it is an internal image, object or word, close your eyes. When thoughts or daydreams come to your mind, attempt neither to hold on to them or to reject them too vigorously. Just allow them to come and go. This process might be compared to watching leaves float by on the surface of a stream.
• Every time your attention wanders from your object of focus, gently bring it back again. Distractions are normal don't judge yourself when they come up.
• Don't dwell on the outcome of your meditation. Don't trouble yourself with such doubts are whether you will be able to go deep enough in the remaining time. Refrain from judging your experience. There's no need to wonder how well you're doing during the meditation. Some mediations will be great, some mediocre, and sometimes it may be difficult to mediate at all.
• The more you let go and refrain from trying to do anything (other than gently guiding your attention back to your object of focus), the deeper your experience of the mediation will be.
• If after several practice sessions your mind is still racing and you can't meditate, try twenty minutes of progressive muscle relaxation prior to meditating.
Using a Mantra
1. Select a word to focus on.
• A Neutral word such as "one"
• Names of Allah.
• A word or phrase that has some special significance within your personal belief system. In his recent book, beyond the Relaxation Response, Benson describes how a word or phrase of special personal significance (such as, "I am at peace," "Let go", "Let God" deepens the effects of meditation.
2. Repeat this word or phrase, ideally on each exhalation.
3. As any thoughts come to mind, just let them pass over and through you and gently bring your attention back to the repetitive word or phrase.
Counting Breaths
1. As you sit quietly, focus on the inflow and outflow of your breath. Each time you breathe out, count the breath. You can count up to 10 and start over again, or keep counting as high as you like, or you can use to repeat "one" on each exhalation.
2. Each time your focus wanders, bring it back to your breathing and counting. If you get caught in an internal monologue or fantasy, don't worry about it or judge yourself. Just relax and return to the count again.
3. If your lose track of the count, start over at 1 or at a round number like 50 or 100
4. If you get bored with counting, just focus on the inflow and outflow of your breathing.
Whichever form of meditation you try, you might want to start out with short periods of 5-10 minutes and gradually lengthen them to 20-30 minutes over a period of two to three weeks. Most people find that it takes persistent and disciplined effort over a period of several months to become proficient at meditating. Even though meditation is the most demanding of relaxation techniques to learn, it is for many people the most rewarding. Research has found that among all relaxation techniques, meditation is the one people are most likely to persist in dong regularly. Once mastered, it will be a tool that you can use throughout your life.
Tips For Summer
A – Aloe vera is the perfect cooling remedy for a sun-burnt skin. All you have to do is pluck a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its gel. Apply it to the sun-burnt area and rinse it off after it dries. Repeat the procedure for some days.
B – Besan is the hindi equivalent for chickpea flour. If the fallout of a sunny day at the beach is an unwanted tan, fret not! All you have to do is mix besan, a few drops of lemon juice and curds. Apply it to your face and other tanned parts of your body. Leave it on till it dries and rinse of with cool water. Repeat this procedure for 10 days.
C – Here’s a quick glow tip, especially if you want your make-up to remain fresh. Extract the juice of a small piece of cucumber, add few drops of lemon juice to this. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. Apply on your face in a gentle circular motion and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. Now you can apply your make-up.
D - You need to take extra care of your tresses during summer as it’s a time when you sweat a lot and your hair’s likely to get dry and rough. Powder dried amla and mix it with warm coconut oil and a few drops of lime juice. Apply this to your hair. Leave it for an hour. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. Regular use will give you shiny and healthy tresses.
E – Is summer making your skin ooze oil? Mix together egg white, honey and a few drop of lime juice. Apply it to your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse well with cold water.
F - All fresh fruits can be mashed well and applied directly on the skin. It will give your skin a fresh glow.
G – Get into the green tea drinking habit. In addition to its numerous health benefits, it is said to do loads of good for your skin as well. It is especially said to be beneficial during summer as it provides sun protection and also prevent ageing. Prepare a green tea brew, remember green tea is never had with milk or sugar. Freeze the brew to form ice cubes. Rub the cubes gently all over your skin.
H - Apply 1 tsp of honey and a tsp of lemon juice to your face every day after coming in from the hot sun. It will considerably reduce the darkening of skin due to sun exposure.
I- Ice cubes in any form are welcome during the fiery summer days. Here’s how you could use it as a beauty remedy. Freeze 1 part of milk mixed with 3 parts of water. Cover these ice cubes with a cloth and rub it over your face. It will help in providing relief in case of sunburned skin. Follow this procedure every two to four hours for about a week. It will also tighten your pores and stimulate blood circulation.
J – If you have sun damaged hair, turn to jojoba oil for relief. Try out this recipe for healthy and soft hair. To one cup of pure rose water add a tbsp of jojoba oil, and eight drops of vitamin E oil. Warm the rose water on a low flame in a double boiler. Switch off the gas, add jojoba and the vitamin E oils. Leave it on your scalp for an hour. Then, rinse it thoroughly plain warm water. Wash it off with a mild shampoo and cool water.
K – Pure Kohl or kajal which is chemical free works wonderfully to protect your eyes from the sun. There are a lot of ayurvedic kohls available in the market, one with almond oil as the base is especially good. Be sure you pick up a trusted and reliable brand.
L – Fill a spraying bottle with 1 part lemon juice, 1 part rose water and 4 parts of chilled water. Spray it on your face regularly during the hot summer days. It will keep your skin dew fresh and cool.
M – Multani Mitti or Fuller’s earth is the mainstay of beauty packs, especially summer beauty packs. Its an excellent skin cleanser and is rich in minerals to nourish your skin. If your skin is oily, try this soothing and cooling pack. Mix 2 tbsp of multani mitti with half a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and 2 tbsp of chilled rose water.Apply even on your face and neck. Leave it on till the mask dries. Rinse off with cool water and find your skin refreshed and clean. Regular use of this mask will bring out the natural beauty of your skin.
N - Neem has numerous beauty benefits. Boil a handful of fresh neem leaves in water. Rinse your face with this water upon cooling. Regularly following this routine will give you problem free skin. To get rid of dandruff, another common summer woe, mix the extract of neem leaves with lime juice and leave it on your scalp for 30 minutes.
O – Powder sun dried orange peel and mix it with milk. Apply this to your face regularly and watch your skin glow.
P – Raw potato juice is an excellent remedy for treating marks and scars on your skin.
R – Rose water is one of the best natural skin toners.
S – Sugar crystals mixed with lemon juice makes an excellent face scrub.
T – During summer apply fresh turmeric powder mixed with milk, to reduce facial hair and get rid of a stubborn tan.
U – Application of mashed unripe papayas as a face mask is an excellent way to prevent premature ageing that comes with constant exposure to the sun and it also helps eliminate dead skin cells.
V – Apply one tbsp of vinegar mixed with 1 tbsp of lemon juice on the scalp for 30 minutes after rinsing with shampoo. It will give you silky and shiny tresses.
W – Make your body soft and smooth with this weekly scrub. Make a not-so-fine paste of 10 tbsp of walnut powder, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and five tbsp of honey. Mix well. Apply this paste in gentle circular motions all over your body. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Keep up this practise throughout the summer.
Y – Yoghurt has many beauty benefits. A soon as you step in home from spending a day out in the hot sun, apply chilled yoghurt all over your face and neck. After it completely dries up, rinse off with cold water. It will make your skin soft and prevent tanning to a great extent.
Z – Zzzzzzzzz….yes, sleep well. This remedy’s a personal favourite and never fails to give your skin a fresh look!
B – Besan is the hindi equivalent for chickpea flour. If the fallout of a sunny day at the beach is an unwanted tan, fret not! All you have to do is mix besan, a few drops of lemon juice and curds. Apply it to your face and other tanned parts of your body. Leave it on till it dries and rinse of with cool water. Repeat this procedure for 10 days.
C – Here’s a quick glow tip, especially if you want your make-up to remain fresh. Extract the juice of a small piece of cucumber, add few drops of lemon juice to this. Refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. Apply on your face in a gentle circular motion and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. Now you can apply your make-up.
D - You need to take extra care of your tresses during summer as it’s a time when you sweat a lot and your hair’s likely to get dry and rough. Powder dried amla and mix it with warm coconut oil and a few drops of lime juice. Apply this to your hair. Leave it for an hour. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. Regular use will give you shiny and healthy tresses.
E – Is summer making your skin ooze oil? Mix together egg white, honey and a few drop of lime juice. Apply it to your face and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse well with cold water.
F - All fresh fruits can be mashed well and applied directly on the skin. It will give your skin a fresh glow.
G – Get into the green tea drinking habit. In addition to its numerous health benefits, it is said to do loads of good for your skin as well. It is especially said to be beneficial during summer as it provides sun protection and also prevent ageing. Prepare a green tea brew, remember green tea is never had with milk or sugar. Freeze the brew to form ice cubes. Rub the cubes gently all over your skin.
H - Apply 1 tsp of honey and a tsp of lemon juice to your face every day after coming in from the hot sun. It will considerably reduce the darkening of skin due to sun exposure.
I- Ice cubes in any form are welcome during the fiery summer days. Here’s how you could use it as a beauty remedy. Freeze 1 part of milk mixed with 3 parts of water. Cover these ice cubes with a cloth and rub it over your face. It will help in providing relief in case of sunburned skin. Follow this procedure every two to four hours for about a week. It will also tighten your pores and stimulate blood circulation.
J – If you have sun damaged hair, turn to jojoba oil for relief. Try out this recipe for healthy and soft hair. To one cup of pure rose water add a tbsp of jojoba oil, and eight drops of vitamin E oil. Warm the rose water on a low flame in a double boiler. Switch off the gas, add jojoba and the vitamin E oils. Leave it on your scalp for an hour. Then, rinse it thoroughly plain warm water. Wash it off with a mild shampoo and cool water.
K – Pure Kohl or kajal which is chemical free works wonderfully to protect your eyes from the sun. There are a lot of ayurvedic kohls available in the market, one with almond oil as the base is especially good. Be sure you pick up a trusted and reliable brand.
L – Fill a spraying bottle with 1 part lemon juice, 1 part rose water and 4 parts of chilled water. Spray it on your face regularly during the hot summer days. It will keep your skin dew fresh and cool.
M – Multani Mitti or Fuller’s earth is the mainstay of beauty packs, especially summer beauty packs. Its an excellent skin cleanser and is rich in minerals to nourish your skin. If your skin is oily, try this soothing and cooling pack. Mix 2 tbsp of multani mitti with half a tablespoon of sandalwood powder and 2 tbsp of chilled rose water.Apply even on your face and neck. Leave it on till the mask dries. Rinse off with cool water and find your skin refreshed and clean. Regular use of this mask will bring out the natural beauty of your skin.
N - Neem has numerous beauty benefits. Boil a handful of fresh neem leaves in water. Rinse your face with this water upon cooling. Regularly following this routine will give you problem free skin. To get rid of dandruff, another common summer woe, mix the extract of neem leaves with lime juice and leave it on your scalp for 30 minutes.
O – Powder sun dried orange peel and mix it with milk. Apply this to your face regularly and watch your skin glow.
P – Raw potato juice is an excellent remedy for treating marks and scars on your skin.
R – Rose water is one of the best natural skin toners.
S – Sugar crystals mixed with lemon juice makes an excellent face scrub.
T – During summer apply fresh turmeric powder mixed with milk, to reduce facial hair and get rid of a stubborn tan.
U – Application of mashed unripe papayas as a face mask is an excellent way to prevent premature ageing that comes with constant exposure to the sun and it also helps eliminate dead skin cells.
V – Apply one tbsp of vinegar mixed with 1 tbsp of lemon juice on the scalp for 30 minutes after rinsing with shampoo. It will give you silky and shiny tresses.
W – Make your body soft and smooth with this weekly scrub. Make a not-so-fine paste of 10 tbsp of walnut powder, 2 tbsp of lemon juice and five tbsp of honey. Mix well. Apply this paste in gentle circular motions all over your body. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. Keep up this practise throughout the summer.
Y – Yoghurt has many beauty benefits. A soon as you step in home from spending a day out in the hot sun, apply chilled yoghurt all over your face and neck. After it completely dries up, rinse off with cold water. It will make your skin soft and prevent tanning to a great extent.
Z – Zzzzzzzzz….yes, sleep well. This remedy’s a personal favourite and never fails to give your skin a fresh look!
You will want to share pleasurable activities with your mate or marriage partner during this time. Entertainment plans, such as going to the theater or a special night out on the town together, would be appealing to you now. This period also promotes feelings of loyalty, love, and contentment toward your loved one. When you lavish your attention on your mate, you most likely will receive a warm and affectionate response. With a fresh, playful approach you can enliven your marriage or a significant relationship at this time.
Your feelings of love may be somewhat reserved, modest, and unobtrusive at this time. Differences may develop over personal plans or financial affairs in a close association or romantic relationship. You might have to work extra hard when playing the role of peacekeeper or negotiator in solving problems with a lover, mate, or friend. It may help to relieve existing tension by discussing things on a less emotional level. At this time, you may feel that you do not have a clear understanding of where you stand with a partner or lover on important issues, such as financial, commitment, or security needs in the relationship. This can also be a difficult period for furthering creative plans and ventures. Close associates are not likely to be cooperative or you sense that your talents and abilities are going unnoticed.
Projects that have been in the planning stages can be successfully implemented or brought forth at this time. Creative and intellectual endeavors are favored now, and you will most likely gain the support and appreciation from important and influential people. New possibilities to link with others on a common goal may occur and would prove quite beneficial and productive now. You have more faith in your intuition and reasoning abilities, which keeps your focus clear and helps you avoid pitfalls. This is an excellent time to display your natural talents or artistic abilities to the public.
Small changes in your job routine are likely now. Although you may wish to stick with what has worked in the past, you may have to adhere to a different set of conditions. Try not to allow your ego get the best of you if a co-worker or superior upstages you in some manner or puts a cramp in your style. Keep an eye on someone who may be jealous of your successes or position. Carefully go over plans or work endeavors as they may backfire if you try too hard to make an impression on others. It is best not to force issues or create unnecessary conflict. Don't let such an exclusive focus on work cause other important areas of your life to suffer. Let a loved one or mate help lift your spirits.
You can handle a great deal of work and responsibility, but it is apt to take its toll on your personal life and need for freedom. Professionals and influential persons in your work place may view you as a devoted and enthusiastic employee and therefore might overload you with additional work. Discord can arise in your private domain, especially if you have been avoiding your duties and obligations there. If a confrontation arises now, you are apt to overreact, thereby further alienating your loved ones through excessive involvement in your work. Although you feel more industrious, it is best not to promise more than you can deliver with regard to both work and personal relationships.
Unusual ventures, harebrained schemes, unexpected and serendipitous events which create the need for considerable adjustment on your part are indicated now. Whatever agenda you had planned is apt to be spontaneously disregarded for what may well be a better alternative. However, you are prone to be more than a little reckless now, so be certain you are not jeopardizing those areas of your life which are your support structure and which in fact enable you to experiment and do some of the wilder things you want to do. You may play the fool or the iconoclastic upstart in your environment, providing an opportunity for others to be more truthful, open, or creative. Be aware, however, that you could also be a scapegoat in that role.
Your knowledge can help you attain job perfection at this time. You should use this period to build upon your technical or mental skills in your work routine, as your ability to concentrate and key in on your objectives is very concrete. You feel a need to express your dedication and commitment to your work endeavors or to your own personal goals and desires. You can plan your projects in an orderly, logical manner and focus your attention on the smallest of details. You are eager to communicate your ideas and opinions to the individuals that you work with. This can be quite a busy and fruitful period with meetings, phone calls and much on the agenda. Important news or information about your career directives or personal projects may come to you at this time.
Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you. An opportunity may arise for you to take pride in your partner's accomplishments and encourage their career endeavors. You enjoy whatever good fortune your mate or spouse brings to the relationship and lend full support toward their efforts. Benefits brought to you both at this time can be either stronger commitment, more stability in the relationship, or freedom from limitations in your career, thereby allowing more time to devote to maintaining equilibrium in your partnership.
Power struggles are likely to occur in your work environment. You may become so determined to accomplish your work objectives that you are apt to arouse negative reactions from individuals in your work place. If you undertake an important project, you will work with dedication, concentration and purpose. Even if you have to deal with coercive or manipulative people, you should strive to cooperate with your co-workers for the benefit of the group or organization. Otherwise, you might have to deal with angry, jealous or spiteful behavior directed toward you. You must also be aware that your own anger may be just below the surface, and it could take just a minor incident or disagreement at work to trigger your temper. On the other hand, compromise may be essential in your personal affairs, and it can be necessary to devote more effort into balancing both career and your primary relationships.
Confidence in your work or mental capabilities may make you feel fearless, determined, and very industrious at this time. You are quick to grasp new ideas and can take resourceful action to pursue your ambitions. This is certainly not a time to sit back and wait for something to happen. Put your plans into motion and develop productive strategies in order to accomplish your objectives. Those in authority, executives, or colleagues are likely to be in approval of your intentions. You make well-informed decisions and choices and possess good reasoning skills with regard to new or current ventures during this period.
Hard work is rewarding, rather than burdensome, for you at this time. You can apply steady effort and dedication to accomplishing your work duties and obligations without much difficulty. Authority figures and superiors are cooperative and helpful to you as they sense your ambitious and responsible attitude. If you have an opportunity to work in an administrative or executive position, your reputation will be highly respected. A methodical and mature approach to work will be likely and you will want to follow the proper guidelines and rules of your organization or work place. You will be especially good at completing projects or tasks which demand perseverance and determination.
This is a favorable period to clear away any imperfections in your work routines and endeavors. You may need a work environment free of distractions and chaos in order to work with more productivity and efficiency. If your creative energy and imagination is given room to flourish, then you will truly feel dedicated to your job responsibilities and duties. You may envision greater possibilities or yearn for idyllic work conditions where your dreams are automatically fulfilled. Since you are highly susceptible to the influence of others, you may be swayed by their ideas and schemes. If the plans and designs of other individuals are based in reality, you can benefit now from their inspirations. However, it is important that you discern between fact and fiction in your dealings with others.
You will want to share pleasurable activities with your mate or marriage partner during this time. Entertainment plans, such as going to the theater or a special night out on the town together, would be appealing to you now. This period also promotes feelings of loyalty, love, and contentment toward your loved one. When you lavish your attention on your mate, you most likely will receive a warm and affectionate response. With a fresh, playful approach you can enliven your marriage or a significant relationship at this time.
Your feelings of love may be somewhat reserved, modest, and unobtrusive at this time. Differences may develop over personal plans or financial affairs in a close association or romantic relationship. You might have to work extra hard when playing the role of peacekeeper or negotiator in solving problems with a lover, mate, or friend. It may help to relieve existing tension by discussing things on a less emotional level. At this time, you may feel that you do not have a clear understanding of where you stand with a partner or lover on important issues, such as financial, commitment, or security needs in the relationship. This can also be a difficult period for furthering creative plans and ventures. Close associates are not likely to be cooperative or you sense that your talents and abilities are going unnoticed.
Projects that have been in the planning stages can be successfully implemented or brought forth at this time. Creative and intellectual endeavors are favored now, and you will most likely gain the support and appreciation from important and influential people. New possibilities to link with others on a common goal may occur and would prove quite beneficial and productive now. You have more faith in your intuition and reasoning abilities, which keeps your focus clear and helps you avoid pitfalls. This is an excellent time to display your natural talents or artistic abilities to the public.
Small changes in your job routine are likely now. Although you may wish to stick with what has worked in the past, you may have to adhere to a different set of conditions. Try not to allow your ego get the best of you if a co-worker or superior upstages you in some manner or puts a cramp in your style. Keep an eye on someone who may be jealous of your successes or position. Carefully go over plans or work endeavors as they may backfire if you try too hard to make an impression on others. It is best not to force issues or create unnecessary conflict. Don't let such an exclusive focus on work cause other important areas of your life to suffer. Let a loved one or mate help lift your spirits.
You can handle a great deal of work and responsibility, but it is apt to take its toll on your personal life and need for freedom. Professionals and influential persons in your work place may view you as a devoted and enthusiastic employee and therefore might overload you with additional work. Discord can arise in your private domain, especially if you have been avoiding your duties and obligations there. If a confrontation arises now, you are apt to overreact, thereby further alienating your loved ones through excessive involvement in your work. Although you feel more industrious, it is best not to promise more than you can deliver with regard to both work and personal relationships.
Unusual ventures, harebrained schemes, unexpected and serendipitous events which create the need for considerable adjustment on your part are indicated now. Whatever agenda you had planned is apt to be spontaneously disregarded for what may well be a better alternative. However, you are prone to be more than a little reckless now, so be certain you are not jeopardizing those areas of your life which are your support structure and which in fact enable you to experiment and do some of the wilder things you want to do. You may play the fool or the iconoclastic upstart in your environment, providing an opportunity for others to be more truthful, open, or creative. Be aware, however, that you could also be a scapegoat in that role.
Your knowledge can help you attain job perfection at this time. You should use this period to build upon your technical or mental skills in your work routine, as your ability to concentrate and key in on your objectives is very concrete. You feel a need to express your dedication and commitment to your work endeavors or to your own personal goals and desires. You can plan your projects in an orderly, logical manner and focus your attention on the smallest of details. You are eager to communicate your ideas and opinions to the individuals that you work with. This can be quite a busy and fruitful period with meetings, phone calls and much on the agenda. Important news or information about your career directives or personal projects may come to you at this time.
Dreams, wishes, and fantasies about love are strong now, and you may be infatuated with someone you meet at this time, only to be disappointed later when you discover this person does not fulfill all of your expectations. You are simply not seeing people objectively now. Your imagination is very active and creative, however, and so is your yearning for something beautiful. The artist in you emerges, and your creations please and inspire you. An opportunity may arise for you to take pride in your partner's accomplishments and encourage their career endeavors. You enjoy whatever good fortune your mate or spouse brings to the relationship and lend full support toward their efforts. Benefits brought to you both at this time can be either stronger commitment, more stability in the relationship, or freedom from limitations in your career, thereby allowing more time to devote to maintaining equilibrium in your partnership.
Power struggles are likely to occur in your work environment. You may become so determined to accomplish your work objectives that you are apt to arouse negative reactions from individuals in your work place. If you undertake an important project, you will work with dedication, concentration and purpose. Even if you have to deal with coercive or manipulative people, you should strive to cooperate with your co-workers for the benefit of the group or organization. Otherwise, you might have to deal with angry, jealous or spiteful behavior directed toward you. You must also be aware that your own anger may be just below the surface, and it could take just a minor incident or disagreement at work to trigger your temper. On the other hand, compromise may be essential in your personal affairs, and it can be necessary to devote more effort into balancing both career and your primary relationships.
Confidence in your work or mental capabilities may make you feel fearless, determined, and very industrious at this time. You are quick to grasp new ideas and can take resourceful action to pursue your ambitions. This is certainly not a time to sit back and wait for something to happen. Put your plans into motion and develop productive strategies in order to accomplish your objectives. Those in authority, executives, or colleagues are likely to be in approval of your intentions. You make well-informed decisions and choices and possess good reasoning skills with regard to new or current ventures during this period.
Hard work is rewarding, rather than burdensome, for you at this time. You can apply steady effort and dedication to accomplishing your work duties and obligations without much difficulty. Authority figures and superiors are cooperative and helpful to you as they sense your ambitious and responsible attitude. If you have an opportunity to work in an administrative or executive position, your reputation will be highly respected. A methodical and mature approach to work will be likely and you will want to follow the proper guidelines and rules of your organization or work place. You will be especially good at completing projects or tasks which demand perseverance and determination.
This is a favorable period to clear away any imperfections in your work routines and endeavors. You may need a work environment free of distractions and chaos in order to work with more productivity and efficiency. If your creative energy and imagination is given room to flourish, then you will truly feel dedicated to your job responsibilities and duties. You may envision greater possibilities or yearn for idyllic work conditions where your dreams are automatically fulfilled. Since you are highly susceptible to the influence of others, you may be swayed by their ideas and schemes. If the plans and designs of other individuals are based in reality, you can benefit now from their inspirations. However, it is important that you discern between fact and fiction in your dealings with others.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
Number of Servings: 16
Serving Size: 1 slice
1 cooking spray
1 1/2 cup very ripe bananas, mashed (about 4 bananas)
2 Tbsp canola oil
1/4 cup low-fat buttermilk
4 egg whites
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips (reserve 1 Tbsp)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly spray an 8 x 4-inch loaf
pan with cooking spray.
2. In a medium bowl, combine bananas, oil, buttermilk, and egg whites;
mix well. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, sugar, baking powder, baking
soda, and salt.
4. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Add banana
mixture to dry ingredients all at once and mix well.
5. Stir in 1/3 cup chocolate chips to batter. Pour batter into loaf
pan. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon chocolate chips on top of batter.
6. Bake 50-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out
Variation Instructions:
You'll love this low-fat chocolate version of banana bread.
Nutrition Information per Serving:
133 Calories, 29 Calories From Fat, 3g Total Fat, 1g Saturated Fat,
0mg Cholesterol, 215mg Sodium, 24g Total Carbs, 1g Dietary Fiber,
12g Sugars, 3g Protein
From: Healthy Calendar Diabetic Cooking
Serving Size: 1 slice
1 cooking spray
1 1/2 cup very ripe bananas, mashed (about 4 bananas)
2 Tbsp canola oil
1/4 cup low-fat buttermilk
4 egg whites
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips (reserve 1 Tbsp)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly spray an 8 x 4-inch loaf
pan with cooking spray.
2. In a medium bowl, combine bananas, oil, buttermilk, and egg whites;
mix well. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, sugar, baking powder, baking
soda, and salt.
4. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients. Add banana
mixture to dry ingredients all at once and mix well.
5. Stir in 1/3 cup chocolate chips to batter. Pour batter into loaf
pan. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon chocolate chips on top of batter.
6. Bake 50-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out
Variation Instructions:
You'll love this low-fat chocolate version of banana bread.
Nutrition Information per Serving:
133 Calories, 29 Calories From Fat, 3g Total Fat, 1g Saturated Fat,
0mg Cholesterol, 215mg Sodium, 24g Total Carbs, 1g Dietary Fiber,
12g Sugars, 3g Protein
From: Healthy Calendar Diabetic Cooking
HEALTHY TIPS FOR ur HAIR ....!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!
Your hair enhances your overall personality and also reflects your health. But, healthy hair and scalp needs proper care right from the beginning. If you neglect your hair for long, it might turn brittle with split-ends and also cause dandruff. You may even experience untimely hair loss if you don’t take timely precautions.
Studies indicate that in 95 percent cases, hair loss is genetic, but many other factors such as diet, general health, vitamin and hormonal deficiencies, overuse of hair dye, physical and emotional stress also lead to uncontrolled hair loss. However, it is possible to control most of these factors that lead to untimely hair fall among individuals.
Though hair loss is not a life-threatening situation, but it may imply internal health
problems. Besides, it may also spoil the level of self-confidence in the long run. As there is no permanent cure for hair loss, but it is possible to take some preventive measures to ensure healthy and shining hair. Some of these tips are listed below:
1.Role of Diet
A nutritious diet, which contains all essential vitamins and minerals, helps in minimizing the hair loss. Therefore, you must include green, leafy vegetables, raw oats, and whole grain cereals, eggs, dates, and raisins in your daily food regime. As the hair is made of protein, you are advised to stick to protein-rich diet, such as calves liver, brewer’s yeast, and wheat germ. These foods also contain Vitamin B, which is an important nutrient for hair. Outer coverings of
potatoes, cucumbers, and green and red peppers are high in silica, which is essential to
maintain the beauty and strength of your hair. Vitamin E also promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. A person may experience hair fall due to thyroid dysfunction also. Therefore, you must include foods, which are good sources of vitamin A and iodine.
2.Washing routine
Your hair cleansing routine largely depends on your hair-type. People having oily hair may need to wash their hair regularly, while people having dry hair can wash it twice a week. Never use too hot or too cold water to wash your hair. While cleaning or massaging your hair, you should always use your fingertips and not your nails to gently clean your scalp.
3.Proper combing
You should use a wide-tooth comb to untangle your hair and comb in downward direction. Using a wooden or tortoise shell comb is a better idea than using a rubber comb. Avoid combing wet hair, as wet hair can easily break.
4.Drying your hair
If possible, allow your hair to dry naturally. Avoid using blow dryer as its heat can damage your hair, and also make it look coarse and lifeless.
5.Using proper conditioner
Protect your hair from sudden environmental changes, while going out to a beach or a pool.
You must use an effective conditioner as it protects your hair from the sun, chlorine, and sea water. You should also wear a protective hat or a cap to avoid overexposing your hair to the sun, salt or chlorinated water and pollution.
6.Use of shampoo and conditioner
Always choose a simple formula shampoo, which costs you less money. Remember, the basic
purpose of a shampoo is to wash away the dirt and the oil. Therefore, use a milder shampoo,
which is less expensive and more beneficial for your hair. Apply a good quality conditioner once you clean your hair with the shampoo, but do not over-condition your hair.
7.Choose a comfortable hair style
Choose a hair style that truly reflects your style and taste while significantly enhances your personality. Often traditional hair styling products are rich of alcohol and other arsh chemicals, which may again harm your hair.
8.Knowing your sleeping pattern helps control
Hair loss Comb your hair gently while going to bed. You should also gently remove all bands or clips used during the day. Do you know that your sleeping pattern also affects the life and
health of your hair? People who are restless even while they are sleeping may actually end
up breaking their hair. So, if you belong to the restless community of sleepers, you should
use s satin pillowcase, which allows your hair to move smoothly and thus cause less breakage.
9.Limit the use of alcohol and smoking
products Reduce alcohol consumption and also avoid using it on your hair. Avoid using hair care products that contain alcohol. This is because alcohol can make your hair look dry, brittle
and prone to breakage.
10.Avoid using harsh chemicals
Certain harsh chemicals such as permanent hair color and perms can also affect the health and growth of your hair. Therefore, you must avoid coloring your hair more than once every 2-4 months
Your hair enhances your overall personality and also reflects your health. But, healthy hair and scalp needs proper care right from the beginning. If you neglect your hair for long, it might turn brittle with split-ends and also cause dandruff. You may even experience untimely hair loss if you don’t take timely precautions.
Studies indicate that in 95 percent cases, hair loss is genetic, but many other factors such as diet, general health, vitamin and hormonal deficiencies, overuse of hair dye, physical and emotional stress also lead to uncontrolled hair loss. However, it is possible to control most of these factors that lead to untimely hair fall among individuals.
Though hair loss is not a life-threatening situation, but it may imply internal health
problems. Besides, it may also spoil the level of self-confidence in the long run. As there is no permanent cure for hair loss, but it is possible to take some preventive measures to ensure healthy and shining hair. Some of these tips are listed below:
1.Role of Diet
A nutritious diet, which contains all essential vitamins and minerals, helps in minimizing the hair loss. Therefore, you must include green, leafy vegetables, raw oats, and whole grain cereals, eggs, dates, and raisins in your daily food regime. As the hair is made of protein, you are advised to stick to protein-rich diet, such as calves liver, brewer’s yeast, and wheat germ. These foods also contain Vitamin B, which is an important nutrient for hair. Outer coverings of
potatoes, cucumbers, and green and red peppers are high in silica, which is essential to
maintain the beauty and strength of your hair. Vitamin E also promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. A person may experience hair fall due to thyroid dysfunction also. Therefore, you must include foods, which are good sources of vitamin A and iodine.
2.Washing routine
Your hair cleansing routine largely depends on your hair-type. People having oily hair may need to wash their hair regularly, while people having dry hair can wash it twice a week. Never use too hot or too cold water to wash your hair. While cleaning or massaging your hair, you should always use your fingertips and not your nails to gently clean your scalp.
3.Proper combing
You should use a wide-tooth comb to untangle your hair and comb in downward direction. Using a wooden or tortoise shell comb is a better idea than using a rubber comb. Avoid combing wet hair, as wet hair can easily break.
4.Drying your hair
If possible, allow your hair to dry naturally. Avoid using blow dryer as its heat can damage your hair, and also make it look coarse and lifeless.
5.Using proper conditioner
Protect your hair from sudden environmental changes, while going out to a beach or a pool.
You must use an effective conditioner as it protects your hair from the sun, chlorine, and sea water. You should also wear a protective hat or a cap to avoid overexposing your hair to the sun, salt or chlorinated water and pollution.
6.Use of shampoo and conditioner
Always choose a simple formula shampoo, which costs you less money. Remember, the basic
purpose of a shampoo is to wash away the dirt and the oil. Therefore, use a milder shampoo,
which is less expensive and more beneficial for your hair. Apply a good quality conditioner once you clean your hair with the shampoo, but do not over-condition your hair.
7.Choose a comfortable hair style
Choose a hair style that truly reflects your style and taste while significantly enhances your personality. Often traditional hair styling products are rich of alcohol and other arsh chemicals, which may again harm your hair.
8.Knowing your sleeping pattern helps control
Hair loss Comb your hair gently while going to bed. You should also gently remove all bands or clips used during the day. Do you know that your sleeping pattern also affects the life and
health of your hair? People who are restless even while they are sleeping may actually end
up breaking their hair. So, if you belong to the restless community of sleepers, you should
use s satin pillowcase, which allows your hair to move smoothly and thus cause less breakage.
9.Limit the use of alcohol and smoking
products Reduce alcohol consumption and also avoid using it on your hair. Avoid using hair care products that contain alcohol. This is because alcohol can make your hair look dry, brittle
and prone to breakage.
10.Avoid using harsh chemicals
Certain harsh chemicals such as permanent hair color and perms can also affect the health and growth of your hair. Therefore, you must avoid coloring your hair more than once every 2-4 months
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