Achluophobia Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia Fear of noise.
Acrophobia Fear of heights.
Agoraphobia Fear of open spaces or of being in crowded places.
Ailurophobia Fear of cats.
Alektorophobia Fear of chickens.
Alliumphobia Fear of garlic.
Allodoxaphobia Fear of opinions.
Altophobia Fear of heights.
Amaxophobia Fear of riding in a car.
Ambulophobia Fear of walking.
Ancraophobia or Anemophobia Fear of wind.
Androphobia Fear of men.
Anglophobia Fear of England, English culture, etc.
Anthrophobia Fear of flowers.
Antlophobia Fear of floods.
Anuptaphobia Fear of staying single.
Apeirophobia Fear of infinity.
Aphenphosmphobia Fear of being touched.
Apiphobia Fear of bees.
Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. Arachnephobia/ Arachnophobia Fear of spiders.
Arithmophobia Fear of numbers.
Arrhenphobia Fear of men. Arsonphobia Fear of fire.
Astraphobia/ Astrapophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Astrophobia Fear of stars/space.
Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia Fear of imperfection.
Athazagoraphobia Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
Atychiphobia Fear of failure.
Aurophobia Fear of gold.
Automatonophobia Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues
Automysophobia Fear of being dirty.
Autophobia Fear of being alone or of oneself.
Aviophobia/Aviatoph obia Fear of flying.
Bacillophobia Fear of microbes.
Bacteriophobia Fear of bacteria.
Bathmophobia Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
Batophobia Fear of heights.
Batrachophobia Fear of amphibians (like frogs)
Belonephobia Fear of pins and needles.
Bibliophobia Fear of books.
Botanophobia Fear of plants.
Brontophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Cacophobia Fear of ugliness.
Cainophobia/ Cainotophobia Fear of newness, novelty.
Caligynephobia Fear of beautiful women.
Carnophobia Fear of meat.
Catagelophobia Fear of being ridiculed.
Catoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Cenophobia / Centophobia Fear of new things or ideas.
Ceraunophobia Fear of thunder.
Chaetophobia Fear of hair.
Chionophobia Fear of snow.
Chiraptophobia Fear of being touched.
Chirophobia Fear of hands.
Chorophobia Fear of dancing.
Chrometophobia/ Chrematophobia Fear of money.
Chromophobia/ Chromatophobia Fear of colors.
Chronomentrophobia Fear of clocks.
Cibophobia/Sitophob ia/Sitiophobia Fear of food.
Claustrophobia Fear of confined spaces.
Climacophobia Fear of stairs.
Clinophobia Fear of going to bed.
Coimetrophobia Fear of cemeteries.
Coulrophobia Fear of clowns.
Cyberphobia Fear of computers.
Cyclophobia Fear of bicycles.
Cymophobia Fear of waves.
Cynophobia Fear of dogs.
Demophobia Fear of crowds.
Dendrophobia Fear of trees.
Dentophobia Fear of dentists.
Didaskaleinophobia Fear of going to school.
Dipsophobia Fear of drinking.
Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone.
Dromophobia Fear of crossing streets.
Eisoptrophobia Fear of mirrors.
Elurophobia Fear of cats.
Emetophobia Fear of vomiting.
Entomophobia Fear of insects.
Ephebiphobia Fear of teenagers.
Epistaxiophobia Fear of nosebleeds.
Equinophobia Fear of horses.
Ergophobia Fear of work.
Felinophobia Fear of cats.
Gamophobia Fear of marriage.
Geliophobia Fear of laughter.
Genophobia Fear of sex.
Gephyrophobia, Gephydrophobia, or Gephysrophobia Fear of crossing bridges.
Gerascophobia Fear of growing old.
Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak. Gynephobia/Gynophob ia Fear of women.
Haphephobia/ Haptephobia Fear of being touched.
Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed.
Heliophobia Fear of the sun.
Hemophobia/Hemaphob ia/Hematophobia Fear of blood.
Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things.
Hominophobia Fear of men.
Hylophobia Fear of forests.
Iatrophobia Fear of doctors.
Ichthyophobia Fear of fish.
Judeophobia Fear of Jews.
Keraunophobia Fear of thunder and lightning.
Kymophobia Fear of waves.
Lachanophobia Fear of vegetables.
Ligyrophobia Fear of loud noises.
Limnophobia Fear of lakes.
Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits.
Lockiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Logizomechanophobia Fear of computers.
Logophobia Fear of words.
Lygophobia Fear of darkness.
Macrophobia Fear of long waits.
Mageirocophobia Fear of cooking.
Maieusiophobia Fear of childbirth.
Megalophobia Fear of large things.
Melissophobia Fear of bees.
Methyphobia Fear of alcohol.
Microphobia Fear of small things.
Misophobia Fear of being contaminated with dirt/germs.
Monophobia Fear of solitude or being alone.
Motorphobia Fear of automobiles.
Musophobia/Murophob ia Fear of mice.
Necrophobia Fear of death / dead things.
Neophobia Fear of anything new.
Nosocomephobia Fear of hospitals.
Numerophobia Fear of numbers.
Ochlophobia Fear of crowds or mobs.
Ophidiophobia Fear of snakes.
Ophthalmophobia Fear of being stared at.
Ornithophobia Fear of birds.
Pedophobia Fear of children.
Peladophobia Fear of bald people.
Phasmophobia Fear of ghosts.
Placophobia Fear of tombstones.
Plutophobia Fear of wealth.
Pogonophobia Fear of beards.
Potamophobia Fear of rivers or running water.
Pteronophobia Fear of being tickled by feathers.
Pupaphobia fear of puppets.
Pyrophobia Fear of fire.
Rhytiphobia Fear of getting wrinkles.
Rupophobia Fear of dirt.
Scolionophobia Fear of school.
Selachophobia Fear of sharks.
Sesquipedalophobia Fear of long words.
Tachophobia Fear of speed.
Technophobia Fear of technology.
Telephonophobia Fear of telephones.
Testophobia Fear of taking tests.
Theophobia Fear of gods or religion.
Trypanophobia Fear of injections.
Venustraphobia Fear of beautiful women.
Verbophobia Fear of words.
Verminophobia Fear of germs.
Vestiphobia Fear of clothing.
Xenoglossophobia Fear of foreign languages.
Zoophobia Fear of animals
Advance New Year Wishes
H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at life simple pleasures
N ights of restful slumber
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light
Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
I look to the new year and my wish for you;
Peace within your heart
Love from family and friends
Faith to guide your way
Hope to make it through each day
Sunshine to light the day
Heavenly Stars to wish upon
Rainbows to let you know there is a tomorrow
A tear to show compassion
A heart to hold the love
But most of all I wish for you
to feel my hand in yours,
To know I am here if you stumble or fall.
To bring you cheer, to bring you love,
to return the love you always share with me.
And a bright today with much to be thankful for.
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
H ours of happy times with friends and family
A bundant time for relaxation
P rosperity
P lenty of love when you need it the most
Y outhful excitement at life simple pleasures
N ights of restful slumber
E verything you need
W ishing you love and light
Y ears and years of good health
E njoyment and mirth
A angels to watch over you
R embrances of a happy years!
I look to the new year and my wish for you;
Peace within your heart
Love from family and friends
Faith to guide your way
Hope to make it through each day
Sunshine to light the day
Heavenly Stars to wish upon
Rainbows to let you know there is a tomorrow
A tear to show compassion
A heart to hold the love
But most of all I wish for you
to feel my hand in yours,
To know I am here if you stumble or fall.
To bring you cheer, to bring you love,
to return the love you always share with me.
And a bright today with much to be thankful for.
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Unopened: 4 months.
Brown sugar
Indefinite shelf life, stored in a moistureproof container in a cool, dry place.
Chocolate (Hershey bar)
1 year from production date
Coffee, canned ground
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 1 month refrigerated
Coffee, gourmet
Beans: 3 weeks in paper bag, longer in vacuum-seal bag (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Ground: 1 week in sealed container
Coffee, instant
Unopened: Up to 2 years
Opened: Up to 1 month
Diet soda (and soft drinks in plastic bottles)
Unopened: 3 months from "best by" date.
Opened: Doesn't spoil, but taste is affected.
Dried pasta
12 months
Frozen dinners
Unopened: 12 to 18 months
Frozen vegetables
Unopened: 18 to 24 months
Opened: 1 month
Indefinite shelf life
Juice, bottled (apple or cranberry)
Unopened: 8 months from production date
Opened: 7 to 10 days
Unopened: 1 year (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Opened or used: 4 to 6 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Maple syrup, real or imitation
1 year
Maraschino cherries
Unopened: 3 to 4 years
Opened: 2 weeks at room temperature; 6 months refrigerated
Unopened: 40 weeks
Opened: 3 months
Unopened: Indefinitely
Opened: 2 to 3 months from "purchase by" date (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
2 years (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Olives, jarred (green with pimento)
Unopened: 3 years
Opened: 3 months
Olive oil
2 years from manufacture date (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Unopened: 1 to 2 years unless frozen or refrigerated
Opened: 1 to 2 weeks in airtight container
Peanut butter, natural
9 months
Peanut butter, processed (Jif)
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 6 months; refrigerate after 3 months
Unopened: 18 months
Opened: No conclusive data. Discard if slippery or excessively soft.
Protein bars (PowerBars)
Unopened: 10 to 12 months. Check "best by" date on the package.
Rice, white
2 years from date on box or date of purchase
Salad dressing, bottled
Unopened: 12 months after "best by" date
Opened: 9 months refrigerated
Soda, regular
Unopened: In cans or glass bottles, 9 months from "best by" date
Opened: Doesn't spoil, but taste is affected
Steak sauce
33 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
5 years, stored in a cool, dry place
Tea bags (Lipton)
Use within 2 years of opening the package
Tuna, canned
Unopened: 1 year from purchase date
Opened: 3 to 4 days, not stored in can
Soy sauce, bottled
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 3 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
42 months
Wine (red, white)
Unopened: 3 years from vintage date; 20 to 100 years for fine wines
Opened: 1 week refrigerated and corked
Worcestershire sauce
Unopened: 5 to 10 years (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Opened: 2 years
For more information, see:
How to Protect Your Produce
How to Save an Open Bottle of Wine
Household Products
Air freshener, aerosol
2 years
Antifreeze, premixed
1 to 5 years
Antifreeze, concentrate
Batteries, alkaline
7 years
Batteries, lithium
10 years
3 to 6 months
Dish detergent, liquid or powdered
1 year
Fire extinguisher, rechargeable
Service or replace every 6 years
Fire extinguisher, nonrechargeable
12 years
Laundry detergent, liquid or powdered
Unopened: 9 months to 1 year
Opened: 6 months
Metal polish (silver, copper, brass)
At least 3 years
Miracle Gro, liquid
Opened: 3 to 8 years
Miracle Gro, liquid, water-soluble
Motor oil
Unopened: 2 to 5 years
Opened: 3 months
Mr. Clean
2 years
Unopened: Up to 10 years
Opened: 2 to 5 years
Spray paint
2 to 3 years
2 years
Wood polish (Pledge)
2 years
For more information, see:
The Right Way to Throw Out Medicine, Paint, Batteries
Earth-Friendly Cleaning Products
Beauty Products
All dates are from the manufacture date, which is either displayed on the packaging or can be obtained by calling the manufacturer's customer-service number.
Bar soap
18 months to 3 years
Bath gel, body wash
3 years
Bath oil
1 year
Body bleaches and depilatories
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 6 months
Body lotion
3 years
2 to 3 years
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 1 to 2 years
For antiperspirants, see expiration date
Eye cream
Unopened: 3 years
Used: 1 year
Face lotion
With SPF, see expiration date. All others, at least 3 years
Foundation, oil-based
2 years
Foundation, water-based
3 years
Hair gel
2 to 3 years
Hair spray
2 to 3 years
Lip balm
Unopened: 5 years
Used: 1 to 5 years
2 years
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 3 to 4 months
Three years from manufacture date
Nail polish
1 year
Nail-polish remover
Lasts indefinitely
1 to 2 years
Rubbing alcohol
At least 3 years
2 to 3 years
Shaving cream
2 years or more
Tooth-whitening strips
13 months
Wash'n Dri moist wipes
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: Good until dried out
Unopened: 4 months.
Brown sugar
Indefinite shelf life, stored in a moistureproof container in a cool, dry place.
Chocolate (Hershey bar)
1 year from production date
Coffee, canned ground
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 1 month refrigerated
Coffee, gourmet
Beans: 3 weeks in paper bag, longer in vacuum-seal bag (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Ground: 1 week in sealed container
Coffee, instant
Unopened: Up to 2 years
Opened: Up to 1 month
Diet soda (and soft drinks in plastic bottles)
Unopened: 3 months from "best by" date.
Opened: Doesn't spoil, but taste is affected.
Dried pasta
12 months
Frozen dinners
Unopened: 12 to 18 months
Frozen vegetables
Unopened: 18 to 24 months
Opened: 1 month
Indefinite shelf life
Juice, bottled (apple or cranberry)
Unopened: 8 months from production date
Opened: 7 to 10 days
Unopened: 1 year (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Opened or used: 4 to 6 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Maple syrup, real or imitation
1 year
Maraschino cherries
Unopened: 3 to 4 years
Opened: 2 weeks at room temperature; 6 months refrigerated
Unopened: 40 weeks
Opened: 3 months
Unopened: Indefinitely
Opened: 2 to 3 months from "purchase by" date (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
2 years (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Olives, jarred (green with pimento)
Unopened: 3 years
Opened: 3 months
Olive oil
2 years from manufacture date (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Unopened: 1 to 2 years unless frozen or refrigerated
Opened: 1 to 2 weeks in airtight container
Peanut butter, natural
9 months
Peanut butter, processed (Jif)
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 6 months; refrigerate after 3 months
Unopened: 18 months
Opened: No conclusive data. Discard if slippery or excessively soft.
Protein bars (PowerBars)
Unopened: 10 to 12 months. Check "best by" date on the package.
Rice, white
2 years from date on box or date of purchase
Salad dressing, bottled
Unopened: 12 months after "best by" date
Opened: 9 months refrigerated
Soda, regular
Unopened: In cans or glass bottles, 9 months from "best by" date
Opened: Doesn't spoil, but taste is affected
Steak sauce
33 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
5 years, stored in a cool, dry place
Tea bags (Lipton)
Use within 2 years of opening the package
Tuna, canned
Unopened: 1 year from purchase date
Opened: 3 to 4 days, not stored in can
Soy sauce, bottled
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: 3 months (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
42 months
Wine (red, white)
Unopened: 3 years from vintage date; 20 to 100 years for fine wines
Opened: 1 week refrigerated and corked
Worcestershire sauce
Unopened: 5 to 10 years (After this time, color or flavor may be affected, but product is still generally safe to consume.)
Opened: 2 years
For more information, see:
How to Protect Your Produce
How to Save an Open Bottle of Wine
Household Products
Air freshener, aerosol
2 years
Antifreeze, premixed
1 to 5 years
Antifreeze, concentrate
Batteries, alkaline
7 years
Batteries, lithium
10 years
3 to 6 months
Dish detergent, liquid or powdered
1 year
Fire extinguisher, rechargeable
Service or replace every 6 years
Fire extinguisher, nonrechargeable
12 years
Laundry detergent, liquid or powdered
Unopened: 9 months to 1 year
Opened: 6 months
Metal polish (silver, copper, brass)
At least 3 years
Miracle Gro, liquid
Opened: 3 to 8 years
Miracle Gro, liquid, water-soluble
Motor oil
Unopened: 2 to 5 years
Opened: 3 months
Mr. Clean
2 years
Unopened: Up to 10 years
Opened: 2 to 5 years
Spray paint
2 to 3 years
2 years
Wood polish (Pledge)
2 years
For more information, see:
The Right Way to Throw Out Medicine, Paint, Batteries
Earth-Friendly Cleaning Products
Beauty Products
All dates are from the manufacture date, which is either displayed on the packaging or can be obtained by calling the manufacturer's customer-service number.
Bar soap
18 months to 3 years
Bath gel, body wash
3 years
Bath oil
1 year
Body bleaches and depilatories
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 6 months
Body lotion
3 years
2 to 3 years
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 1 to 2 years
For antiperspirants, see expiration date
Eye cream
Unopened: 3 years
Used: 1 year
Face lotion
With SPF, see expiration date. All others, at least 3 years
Foundation, oil-based
2 years
Foundation, water-based
3 years
Hair gel
2 to 3 years
Hair spray
2 to 3 years
Lip balm
Unopened: 5 years
Used: 1 to 5 years
2 years
Unopened: 2 years
Used: 3 to 4 months
Three years from manufacture date
Nail polish
1 year
Nail-polish remover
Lasts indefinitely
1 to 2 years
Rubbing alcohol
At least 3 years
2 to 3 years
Shaving cream
2 years or more
Tooth-whitening strips
13 months
Wash'n Dri moist wipes
Unopened: 2 years
Opened: Good until dried out
Yesterday was just that yesterday.
Today is what you decide to carry in from yesterday. The best option is to carry the positive and release the negative.
To live in the moment.
Not always so easy to do when you feel that you can't control what is happening around you and with that said the fear starts to creep inside of you. Realize fear is created to take you away from your center.
Can you imagine a life where we all listen and follow our hearts and guidance from above?
Take a minute and imagine it. Picture your perfect world. Let your perfect picture encompass your heart, then your home. Let it encompass your town and country. Then let it become part of the world.
Yes each person is unique in their idea of perfection but I can guarantee that if each person had to explain how it made them feel inside that the emotions would all be the same.
That is our connection. The connection of love. The belief of what it will create and make us feel like inside. Then how it will create harmony throughout the world.
We are all on a path to be aware of how special we are and how to live in a loving way. To understand that nothing is negative unless we choose to let it affect us in a negative light.
All things created are a gift. Even when you can't find a reason to think of it as a gift right now.
What you are learning from your uniquely created situation is helping you to discover and become aware on the path to remembering who you are and will become.
You are perfectly where you need to be.
All lessons you receive are a gift from the universe created by you.
All thoughts become your reality. Choose them wisely.
Live in the moment.
Let love show you the way.
Today is what you decide to carry in from yesterday. The best option is to carry the positive and release the negative.
To live in the moment.
Not always so easy to do when you feel that you can't control what is happening around you and with that said the fear starts to creep inside of you. Realize fear is created to take you away from your center.
Can you imagine a life where we all listen and follow our hearts and guidance from above?
Take a minute and imagine it. Picture your perfect world. Let your perfect picture encompass your heart, then your home. Let it encompass your town and country. Then let it become part of the world.
Yes each person is unique in their idea of perfection but I can guarantee that if each person had to explain how it made them feel inside that the emotions would all be the same.
That is our connection. The connection of love. The belief of what it will create and make us feel like inside. Then how it will create harmony throughout the world.
We are all on a path to be aware of how special we are and how to live in a loving way. To understand that nothing is negative unless we choose to let it affect us in a negative light.
All things created are a gift. Even when you can't find a reason to think of it as a gift right now.
What you are learning from your uniquely created situation is helping you to discover and become aware on the path to remembering who you are and will become.
You are perfectly where you need to be.
All lessons you receive are a gift from the universe created by you.
All thoughts become your reality. Choose them wisely.
Live in the moment.
Let love show you the way.
A policeman was interrogating 3 SARDARS who were
training to become detectives. To test their skills
in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first SARDAR
a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it.
'This is your suspect, how would you recognize
him?' The first SARDAR answers, 'That's easy, we'll
catch him fast because he only has one eye!'
The policeman says, 'Well...uh.. .that's because
the picture I showed is his side profile.'
Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he
flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second
SARDAR and asks his, 'This is your suspect, how
would you recognize him?'
The second SARDAR smiles, flips his hair and says,
'Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only! has
one ear!' The policeman angrily
responds, 'What's the matter with you two??
Of course only one eye and one ear are showing
because it's a picture of his side profile! Is that
the best answer you can come up with?'
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the
picture to the third SARDAR and in a very testy
voice asks, 'This is your suspect, how would you
recognize him? He quickly adds, 'Think hard before
giving me a stupid answer.'
The SARDAR looks at the picture intently for a
moment and says, 'The suspect wears contact lenses.'
The policeman is surprised and speechless because
he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears
contacts or not.
'Well, that's an interesting answer. Wait here for
a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get
back to you on that.' He leaves the room and goes to
his office, checks the suspect's file in his
computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on
his face.
'Wow! I can't believe it. It's TRUE! The suspect!
does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How
were you able to make such an astute observation? '
'That's easy,' the SARDAR replied. 'He can't wear regular glasses
because he only has one eye and one ear'
training to become detectives. To test their skills
in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first SARDAR
a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it.
'This is your suspect, how would you recognize
him?' The first SARDAR answers, 'That's easy, we'll
catch him fast because he only has one eye!'
The policeman says, 'Well...uh.. .that's because
the picture I showed is his side profile.'
Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he
flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second
SARDAR and asks his, 'This is your suspect, how
would you recognize him?'
The second SARDAR smiles, flips his hair and says,
'Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only! has
one ear!' The policeman angrily
responds, 'What's the matter with you two??
Of course only one eye and one ear are showing
because it's a picture of his side profile! Is that
the best answer you can come up with?'
Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the
picture to the third SARDAR and in a very testy
voice asks, 'This is your suspect, how would you
recognize him? He quickly adds, 'Think hard before
giving me a stupid answer.'
The SARDAR looks at the picture intently for a
moment and says, 'The suspect wears contact lenses.'
The policeman is surprised and speechless because
he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears
contacts or not.
'Well, that's an interesting answer. Wait here for
a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get
back to you on that.' He leaves the room and goes to
his office, checks the suspect's file in his
computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on
his face.
'Wow! I can't believe it. It's TRUE! The suspect!
does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How
were you able to make such an astute observation? '
'That's easy,' the SARDAR replied. 'He can't wear regular glasses
because he only has one eye and one ear'
Through the Window
A young couple moved into a new neighborhood.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her
neighbor hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean", she said. "She doesn't know how to wash
correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap"
Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would
hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on
the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learned how to wash
correctly. I wonder who taught her this."
The husband said, "I got up this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life. What we see when
watching others depends on the purity of the
window through which we look.
The next morning while they are eating breakfast, the young woman sees her
neighbor hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not very clean", she said. "She doesn't know how to wash
correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap"
Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would
hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments.
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on
the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learned how to wash
correctly. I wonder who taught her this."
The husband said, "I got up this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life. What we see when
watching others depends on the purity of the
window through which we look.
Depression Warning Signs You Should Know About
You ever experience feeling sad and lonely most of the time even without a reason? Chances are you are having a depression attack. You may not realize it, but it does occur. At times, it even mixes with situations, aggravating your feelings of depression. Stressing situations such as driving a car through traffic, failing to meet a deadline, missing an important opportunity at work can all be depression
warning signs.
Feeling Sad and Lonely?
You may not be aware but lingering feelings of sadness may actually be a sign that you are afflicted with depression. For worse conditions of depression, stressful conditions may not be required to trigger a depressive mood. In this case, feeling depressed may be as regular as brushing your teeth throughout the day. The major problem is that it will surely have a negative effect on your day, in your work and even relationships with your family and friends.
Usual Causes Of Depression
To be able to identify the signs if you are indeed having depression attacks, you must first understand the causes behind such attacks and learn to relate them with the symptoms of depression. No one really knows the specific cause of a depression attack at any given time. But experts were able to pinpoint depression warning signs due to years of studies and observation.
The genetic make-up of a person is said to be one of the depression warning signs and is the cause of about 80% of all depression cases. If depression lies deep in the roots of the family tree, chances are, one or more of the descendants will experience and be diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives.
In this case, the physiological relation of depression seems to have gained a foothold as the cause of depression. Other physical causes identified to be depression warning signs are hormonal changes in the body, especially in women during pregnancy and every menstrual cycle.
Aside from this, there is the so-called mental state of the person involved. There are many factors that can be identified that molds the mental state of an individual as he grows up to maturity.
Environmental Factors
Other factors that were found to have influence on the mental development of an individual are the environment, his life experiences especially the traumatic events, his relationships with his family and peers, and a low self-worth or self-esteem because of poor education and low income status.
Another depression warning sign is the family income and the level of education reached. Some experts claim that the poorer a family is, the more prone they are to experience depression. The same goes to a person with poor education. Generally, all the factors outlined that have an impact on the mental development of an individual are understood to happen simultaneously and together leaving impressions on one another like intertwined vines.
For example, a child from a low income family may be picked on at school, damaging his concept of peer relationships, which in turn, can lead to more serious bullying, and making the experience as a traumatic event and the list of events goes on and on.
Any one of these factors, which includes genetics, holds a key for the development of an individual. Both the physiological and mental development of a person seem to have a bearing as to the chances of him developing a depression attack in his lifetime.
Warning Signs
The causes presented above are actually depression warning signs. Every situation can only be defined as a trigger but they are not the root cause of a depression attack. Depression, when it is clinically diagnosed is a condition deeply rooted in the personal history of a person, his views and development are all part of the signs to watch out for in experiencing depression.
Of course, these are all based on statistics and they do not mean that an individual will necessarily develop depression just because he belongs to one or more of the groupings described above.
You ever experience feeling sad and lonely most of the time even without a reason? Chances are you are having a depression attack. You may not realize it, but it does occur. At times, it even mixes with situations, aggravating your feelings of depression. Stressing situations such as driving a car through traffic, failing to meet a deadline, missing an important opportunity at work can all be depression
warning signs.
Feeling Sad and Lonely?
You may not be aware but lingering feelings of sadness may actually be a sign that you are afflicted with depression. For worse conditions of depression, stressful conditions may not be required to trigger a depressive mood. In this case, feeling depressed may be as regular as brushing your teeth throughout the day. The major problem is that it will surely have a negative effect on your day, in your work and even relationships with your family and friends.
Usual Causes Of Depression
To be able to identify the signs if you are indeed having depression attacks, you must first understand the causes behind such attacks and learn to relate them with the symptoms of depression. No one really knows the specific cause of a depression attack at any given time. But experts were able to pinpoint depression warning signs due to years of studies and observation.
The genetic make-up of a person is said to be one of the depression warning signs and is the cause of about 80% of all depression cases. If depression lies deep in the roots of the family tree, chances are, one or more of the descendants will experience and be diagnosed with depression at some point in their lives.
In this case, the physiological relation of depression seems to have gained a foothold as the cause of depression. Other physical causes identified to be depression warning signs are hormonal changes in the body, especially in women during pregnancy and every menstrual cycle.
Aside from this, there is the so-called mental state of the person involved. There are many factors that can be identified that molds the mental state of an individual as he grows up to maturity.
Environmental Factors
Other factors that were found to have influence on the mental development of an individual are the environment, his life experiences especially the traumatic events, his relationships with his family and peers, and a low self-worth or self-esteem because of poor education and low income status.
Another depression warning sign is the family income and the level of education reached. Some experts claim that the poorer a family is, the more prone they are to experience depression. The same goes to a person with poor education. Generally, all the factors outlined that have an impact on the mental development of an individual are understood to happen simultaneously and together leaving impressions on one another like intertwined vines.
For example, a child from a low income family may be picked on at school, damaging his concept of peer relationships, which in turn, can lead to more serious bullying, and making the experience as a traumatic event and the list of events goes on and on.
Any one of these factors, which includes genetics, holds a key for the development of an individual. Both the physiological and mental development of a person seem to have a bearing as to the chances of him developing a depression attack in his lifetime.
Warning Signs
The causes presented above are actually depression warning signs. Every situation can only be defined as a trigger but they are not the root cause of a depression attack. Depression, when it is clinically diagnosed is a condition deeply rooted in the personal history of a person, his views and development are all part of the signs to watch out for in experiencing depression.
Of course, these are all based on statistics and they do not mean that an individual will necessarily develop depression just because he belongs to one or more of the groupings described above.
A frail old man went to live with his son,
daughter-in- law, and a four-year old grandson.
The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was
blurred, and his step faltered.
The family ate together nightly at the dinner table.
But the elderly grandfather' s shaky hands
and failing sight made eating rather difficult.
Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.
When he grasped the glass often milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in- law became irritated with the mess.
"We must do something about grandfather, "
said the son.
I've had enough of his spilled milk,
noisy eating, and food on the floor.
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the
family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table.
Since grandfather had broken a dish or two,
his food was served in a wooden bowl.
Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfather' s
direction, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone.
Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp
admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening before supper, the father noticed
his son playing with wood scraps on the floor.
He asked the child sweetly,
"What are you making?"
Just as sweetly, the boy responded,
"Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and
mama to eat your food from when I grow up."
The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
The words so struck the parents that they were speechless.
Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.
Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took grandfather' s hand and gently
led him back to the family table.
For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family.
And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care
any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled,
or the tablecloth soiled.
Children are remarkably perceptive.
Their eyes ever observe, their ears ever listen, and
their minds ever process the messages they absorb.
If they see us patiently provide a happy home atmosphere
for family members, they will imitate that attitude
for the rest of their lives.
The wise parent realizes that every day that
building blocks are being laid for the child's future.
Let us all be wise builders and role models.
Take care of yourself, ... and those you love, ...
today, and everyday!
People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
how you made them feel"
daughter-in- law, and a four-year old grandson.
The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was
blurred, and his step faltered.
The family ate together nightly at the dinner table.
But the elderly grandfather' s shaky hands
and failing sight made eating rather difficult.
Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor.
When he grasped the glass often milk spilled on the tablecloth.
The son and daughter-in- law became irritated with the mess.
"We must do something about grandfather, "
said the son.
I've had enough of his spilled milk,
noisy eating, and food on the floor.
So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner.
There, grandfather ate alone while the rest of the
family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table.
Since grandfather had broken a dish or two,
his food was served in a wooden bowl.
Sometimes when the family glanced in grandfather' s
direction, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone.
Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp
admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.
The four-year-old watched it all in silence.
One evening before supper, the father noticed
his son playing with wood scraps on the floor.
He asked the child sweetly,
"What are you making?"
Just as sweetly, the boy responded,
"Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and
mama to eat your food from when I grow up."
The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.
The words so struck the parents that they were speechless.
Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.
Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.
That evening the husband took grandfather' s hand and gently
led him back to the family table.
For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family.
And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care
any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled,
or the tablecloth soiled.
Children are remarkably perceptive.
Their eyes ever observe, their ears ever listen, and
their minds ever process the messages they absorb.
If they see us patiently provide a happy home atmosphere
for family members, they will imitate that attitude
for the rest of their lives.
The wise parent realizes that every day that
building blocks are being laid for the child's future.
Let us all be wise builders and role models.
Take care of yourself, ... and those you love, ...
today, and everyday!
People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget
how you made them feel"
There may be days when you get up in
the morning and things aren't the way
you had hoped they would be,
that's when you have to tell yourself
that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you
and let you down,but those are the times
when you must remind yourself to trust
your own judgments and opinions,
to keep your life focused on believing
in yourself and all that you are capable of.
There will be challenges to face and
changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed
in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times, but in those
times of struggle you will find a stronger
sense of who you are,
So when the days come that are filled with
frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself
and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes
will only help you to find the goals that
you know are meant to come true for you.
Keep believing in yourself.
Believe in yourself
To the depth of your being
Nourish the talents
Your spirit is freeing
Know in your heart
When the going gets slow
That your faith in yourself
Will continue to grow
Don't forfeit ambition
When others may doubt
It's your life to live
You must live it throughout
Learn from your errors
Don't dwell in the past
Never withdraw
From a world that is vast
Believe in yourself
Find the best that is you
Let your spirit prevail
Steer a course that is true
the morning and things aren't the way
you had hoped they would be,
that's when you have to tell yourself
that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you
and let you down,but those are the times
when you must remind yourself to trust
your own judgments and opinions,
to keep your life focused on believing
in yourself and all that you are capable of.
There will be challenges to face and
changes to make in your life,
and it is up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed
in the right direction for you.
It may not be easy at times, but in those
times of struggle you will find a stronger
sense of who you are,
So when the days come that are filled with
frustration and unexpected responsibilities,
remember to believe in yourself
and all you want your life to be,
because the challenges and changes
will only help you to find the goals that
you know are meant to come true for you.
Keep believing in yourself.
Believe in yourself
To the depth of your being
Nourish the talents
Your spirit is freeing
Know in your heart
When the going gets slow
That your faith in yourself
Will continue to grow
Don't forfeit ambition
When others may doubt
It's your life to live
You must live it throughout
Learn from your errors
Don't dwell in the past
Never withdraw
From a world that is vast
Believe in yourself
Find the best that is you
Let your spirit prevail
Steer a course that is true
A wife was making fried eggs for her husband for breakfast. Suddenly her husband burst into the kitchen.
"Careful... Careful!!! Put in some more butter! Oh my God! You're cooking too many at once. Too many! Turn them! Turn them now! We need more butter. Oh my God! Where are we going to get more butter? They're going to stick! Careful... Careful!!! I said be careful! You never listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. Use the salt! The salt!"
The wife stared at him and asked, "What the heck is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?"
The husband calmly replied, "I wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving with you in the car."
"Careful... Careful!!! Put in some more butter! Oh my God! You're cooking too many at once. Too many! Turn them! Turn them now! We need more butter. Oh my God! Where are we going to get more butter? They're going to stick! Careful... Careful!!! I said be careful! You never listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. Use the salt! The salt!"
The wife stared at him and asked, "What the heck is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?"
The husband calmly replied, "I wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving with you in the car."
Do Good
Do good, and leave behind you a monument of
virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.
Write your name in kindness, love,
and mercy on the hearts of thousands
you come in contact with year by year,
and you will never be forgotten.
Your name and your good deeds will
shine as the stars of heaven.
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to feel your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
And love to complete your life.
virtue that the storms of time can never destroy.
Write your name in kindness, love,
and mercy on the hearts of thousands
you come in contact with year by year,
and you will never be forgotten.
Your name and your good deeds will
shine as the stars of heaven.
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to feel your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
And love to complete your life.

This scene of a woman doing some makeup in front of a mirror, looks like a skull from a distance. The title has two meanings : vanity is the name of a dressing table with a mirror, it also means excessive pride in appearance. The message behind the image is : don't worry too much about material things. We'll all be dead in the end.
(Ashes to ashes, dust to dust)
Tommorow is not Promised
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there.
They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are and who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be; your neighbor, child, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger, who, when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they seem painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential strength, will power, or heart.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.
Without these small tests, whether they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere, safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life and the successes and downfalls you experience create who you are, and even the bad experiences can be learned from.
In fact, they are probably the poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count.
Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.
Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen, let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.
Hold your head up because you have every right too.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.
You can make of your life anything you wish.
Create your own life and then go out and live in it!
Live each day as if it were your last.
Tomorrow is not promised
They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are and who you want to become.
You never know who these people may be; your neighbor, child, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger, who, when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.
And sometimes things happen to you and at the time they seem painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential strength, will power, or heart.
Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck.
Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul.
Without these small tests, whether they be events, illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere, safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.
The people you meet who affect your life and the successes and downfalls you experience create who you are, and even the bad experiences can be learned from.
In fact, they are probably the poignant and important ones.
If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.
If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes to things you would have never seen or felt without them.
Make every day count.
Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.
Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen, let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.
Hold your head up because you have every right too.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.
You can make of your life anything you wish.
Create your own life and then go out and live in it!
Live each day as if it were your last.
Tomorrow is not promised
There was a farmer who grew superior
quality and award-winning corn.
Each year he entered his corn in the state
fair where it won honour and prizes.
One year a newspaper reporter
interviewed him and learnt something
interesting about how he grew it.
The reporter discovered that the farmer
shared his seed corn with his neighbours'.
"How can you afford to share your
best seed corn with your neighbours
when they are entering corn in competition
with yours each year?" the reporter asked.
"Why sir, "said the farmer, "didn't you know?
The wind picks up pollen from the ripening
corn and swirls it from field to field.
If my neighbours grow inferior,
sub-standard and poor quality corn,
cross-pollination will steadily degrade
the quality of my corn.
If I am to grow good corn, I must
help my neighbours grow good corn."
The farmer gave a superb insight into
the connectedness of life.
His corn cannot improve unless
his neighbour's corn also improves.
So it is in the other dimensions!
Those who choose to be at harmony
must help their neighbours and
colleagues to be at peace.
Those who choose to live well must
help others to live well.
The value of a life is
measured by the lives it touches.
quality and award-winning corn.
Each year he entered his corn in the state
fair where it won honour and prizes.
One year a newspaper reporter
interviewed him and learnt something
interesting about how he grew it.
The reporter discovered that the farmer
shared his seed corn with his neighbours'.
"How can you afford to share your
best seed corn with your neighbours
when they are entering corn in competition
with yours each year?" the reporter asked.
"Why sir, "said the farmer, "didn't you know?
The wind picks up pollen from the ripening
corn and swirls it from field to field.
If my neighbours grow inferior,
sub-standard and poor quality corn,
cross-pollination will steadily degrade
the quality of my corn.
If I am to grow good corn, I must
help my neighbours grow good corn."
The farmer gave a superb insight into
the connectedness of life.
His corn cannot improve unless
his neighbour's corn also improves.
So it is in the other dimensions!
Those who choose to be at harmony
must help their neighbours and
colleagues to be at peace.
Those who choose to live well must
help others to live well.
The value of a life is
measured by the lives it touches.
Old Vs New
A self-important university student took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation.
'You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one', the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. 'The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes and space travel. Man has landed on the Moon and Space probes have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, ships and electric and hydrogen cars, mobile phones, computers with light-speed processing.. . and more.'
After a brief silence, the senior citizen responded as follows:
'you're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young....... .so we invented them. Now, you arrogant little idiot, what are you doing for the next generation?'
The applause was amazing..... ..
'You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one', the student said, loud enough for many of those nearby to hear. 'The young people of today grew up with television, jet planes and space travel. Man has landed on the Moon and Space probes have visited Mars. We have nuclear energy, ships and electric and hydrogen cars, mobile phones, computers with light-speed processing.. . and more.'
After a brief silence, the senior citizen responded as follows:
'you're right, son. We didn't have those things when we were young....... .so we invented them. Now, you arrogant little idiot, what are you doing for the next generation?'
The applause was amazing..... ..
Once Santa & Banta were traveling along with their friends Monty & Jaggi. On a road surrounded by forests on both sides, their car was attacked by robbers. Santa & his friends were pulled out of the car. The robbers blasted the car and took Santa, Banta and their friends in the middle of the forest where their boss was residing.
Now, this boss was fond of jokes. So, he put the condition that whoever tells a joke that makes every single person laugh should be left unharmed and alive, but if one single person doesn't laugh then the joke-teller would be shot to death.
Banta started telling the funniest joke he had ever heard, "One day........." and when he was finished, everybody were falling with laughter except Santa. So according to the vow, the boss shot poor Banta.
Now, it was the turn of Monty. He also told the best joke he had ever heard. Again everybody laughed including the boss & his robbers, but still Santa was quite as a statue. So the boss shot him.
Then came Jaggi. As he opened his mouth to tell the joke, Santa suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone was puzzled. Santa was laughing madly.
The boss asked him, "Why the hell are you laughing without hearing the joke?"
Santa said laughing and giggling, "Oh! How funny Banta's joke was!"
Now, this boss was fond of jokes. So, he put the condition that whoever tells a joke that makes every single person laugh should be left unharmed and alive, but if one single person doesn't laugh then the joke-teller would be shot to death.
Banta started telling the funniest joke he had ever heard, "One day........." and when he was finished, everybody were falling with laughter except Santa. So according to the vow, the boss shot poor Banta.
Now, it was the turn of Monty. He also told the best joke he had ever heard. Again everybody laughed including the boss & his robbers, but still Santa was quite as a statue. So the boss shot him.
Then came Jaggi. As he opened his mouth to tell the joke, Santa suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone was puzzled. Santa was laughing madly.
The boss asked him, "Why the hell are you laughing without hearing the joke?"
Santa said laughing and giggling, "Oh! How funny Banta's joke was!"
There was a good old barber in Bangalore.
One day a florist goes to him for a haircut.
After the cut, he goes to pay the barber
and the barber replies:
I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you;
I am doing a Community Service.
Florist is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the Barber
goes to open his shop, there is a
"Thank You" Card and a dozen roses
waiting at his door.
A Confectioner goes for a haircut and
he also goes to pay the barber he again
refuses to take the money.
The Confectioner is happy and
leaves the shop.
The next morning when the Barber
goes to open his shop, there is another
"Thank you" Card and a dozen Cakes
waiting at his door.
A Software Engineer goes for a haircut
and he also goes to pay the barber again
refuses the money saying that it was
a community service.
The next morning when the Barber goes to
open his shop, guess what he finds there......
Scroll down for answer... . . . . . . .. . . . ....
(Believe me it's worth it!!!!!!!!!!)
A Dozen Software engineers
waiting for a free haircut...
with Printouts of forwarded mail
mentioning about free haircut.
One day a florist goes to him for a haircut.
After the cut, he goes to pay the barber
and the barber replies:
I am sorry, I cannot accept money from you;
I am doing a Community Service.
Florist is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the Barber
goes to open his shop, there is a
"Thank You" Card and a dozen roses
waiting at his door.
A Confectioner goes for a haircut and
he also goes to pay the barber he again
refuses to take the money.
The Confectioner is happy and
leaves the shop.
The next morning when the Barber
goes to open his shop, there is another
"Thank you" Card and a dozen Cakes
waiting at his door.
A Software Engineer goes for a haircut
and he also goes to pay the barber again
refuses the money saying that it was
a community service.
The next morning when the Barber goes to
open his shop, guess what he finds there......
Scroll down for answer... . . . . . . .. . . . ....
(Believe me it's worth it!!!!!!!!!!)
A Dozen Software engineers
waiting for a free haircut...
with Printouts of forwarded mail
mentioning about free haircut.
This is interesting. After Reading this, you'll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Bananas. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression : According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS : Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia : High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure : This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke
Brain Power : 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped
through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation : High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
Hangovers : One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Heartburn : Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness : Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood
sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites : Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the
affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Nerves : Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.
Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and
crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady
Ulcers : The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders
because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Seasonal = Affective Disorder (SAD) : Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Stress : Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat,
sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we
are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.
Strokes : According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine,
"eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!
Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"
Still wonder why monkeys are so happy most of the time?
Bananas. Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.
Depression : According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
PMS : Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
Anemia : High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.
Blood Pressure : This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke
Brain Power : 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped
through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Constipation : High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
Hangovers : One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Heartburn : Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness : Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood
sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Mosquito bites : Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the
affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Nerves : Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.
Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and
crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady
Ulcers : The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders
because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Seasonal = Affective Disorder (SAD) : Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
Stress : Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat,
sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we
are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.
Strokes : According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine,
"eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!
Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A banana a day keeps the doctor away!"
Still wonder why monkeys are so happy most of the time?
Really Amazing
This might not be what you expect, but it is the most heart warming thing I have seen all day...!
In this photo, PLEASE read the short caption before looking at the photo You'll notice that she didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he smelled like burnt wood, she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could. Click here: THE KISS Click Here
In this photo, PLEASE read the short caption before looking at the photo You'll notice that she didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he smelled like burnt wood, she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could. Click here: THE KISS Click Here
Really Amazing
This might not be what you expect, but it is the most heart warming thing I have seen all day...!
In this photo, PLEASE read the short caption before looking at the photo You'll notice that she didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he smelled like burnt wood, she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could. Click here: THE KISS Click Here
In this photo, PLEASE read the short caption before looking at the photo You'll notice that she didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he smelled like burnt wood, she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could. Click here: THE KISS Click Here
The Stranger
A few years after I was born, my dad met a
stranger who was new to our small town. From the
beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting
newcomer and soon invited him to live with our
family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was
around from then on.
As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my
family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My
parents were complementary instructors: Mum taught
me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But
the stranger ..... he was our storyteller. He would
keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures,
mysteries, and comedies. If I wanted to know
anything about politics, history or science, he
always knew the answers about the past, understood
the present and even seemed able to predict the
He took my family to the football and cricket. He
made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger
never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.
Sometimes, Mum would get up quietly while the rest
of us were shushing each other to listen to what he
had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for
peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed
for the stranger to leave.)
Dad ruled our household with certain moral
convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated
to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not
allowed in our home ... not from us, our friends or
any visitors. Our longtime visitor, however, got
away with four-letter words that burned my ears and
made my dad squirm and my mother blush.
My dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol.
But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a
regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars
manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely
(much too freely) about sex. His comments were
sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and
generally embarrassing.
I now know that my early concepts about
relationships were influenced strongly by the
stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of
my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked ... And NEVER
asked to leave.
More than fifty years have passed since the
stranger moved in with our family. He has blended
right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was
at first. If you could walk into my parents' den
today, you would still find him sitting over in his
corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk
and watch him draw his pictures.
His name?
We just call him 'TV.'
*Note: This should be a required reading for every household !!
He has a wife now, ... We call her 'Computer'.
stranger who was new to our small town. From the
beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting
newcomer and soon invited him to live with our
family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was
around from then on.
As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my
family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My
parents were complementary instructors: Mum taught
me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But
the stranger ..... he was our storyteller. He would
keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures,
mysteries, and comedies. If I wanted to know
anything about politics, history or science, he
always knew the answers about the past, understood
the present and even seemed able to predict the
He took my family to the football and cricket. He
made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger
never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.
Sometimes, Mum would get up quietly while the rest
of us were shushing each other to listen to what he
had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for
peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed
for the stranger to leave.)
Dad ruled our household with certain moral
convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated
to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not
allowed in our home ... not from us, our friends or
any visitors. Our longtime visitor, however, got
away with four-letter words that burned my ears and
made my dad squirm and my mother blush.
My dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol.
But the stranger encouraged us to try it on a
regular basis. He made cigarettes look cool, cigars
manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely
(much too freely) about sex. His comments were
sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and
generally embarrassing.
I now know that my early concepts about
relationships were influenced strongly by the
stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of
my parents, yet he was seldom rebuked ... And NEVER
asked to leave.
More than fifty years have passed since the
stranger moved in with our family. He has blended
right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was
at first. If you could walk into my parents' den
today, you would still find him sitting over in his
corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk
and watch him draw his pictures.
His name?
We just call him 'TV.'
*Note: This should be a required reading for every household !!
He has a wife now, ... We call her 'Computer'.
Just for fun
Amazing & Useless Facts
• 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987, 654,321
• The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
• Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
• Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.
• If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
• Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
• Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people do.
• The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
• The average human swollows 8 spiders in their lifetime at night while they sleep.
• A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.
• It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
• In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
• The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."
• On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building is an American flag.
• All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
• No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
• "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
• All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
• Almonds are members of the peach family.
• Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
• Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
• The youngest pope was 11 years old.
• The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
• A snail can sleep for 3 years.
• American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
• China has more people who speak English than the United States.
• The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
• A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually clear.
• The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from and old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.
• Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
• Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.
• If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
• Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
• Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people do.
• The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
• The average human swollows 8 spiders in their lifetime at night while they sleep.
• A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.
• It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
• In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
• The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched."
• On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building is an American flag.
• All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20.
• No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver or purple.
• "Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
• All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
• Almonds are members of the peach family.
• Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' room during a dance.
• Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
• The youngest pope was 11 years old.
• The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
• A snail can sleep for 3 years.
• American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
• China has more people who speak English than the United States.
• The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes.
• A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually clear.
3 Parrots
A man wanted to buy his son a parrot as a birthday present.
The next day he went to the pet shop and saw
three identical parrots in a cage.
He asked the clerk, "how much for the parrot on the right?
The owner said it was Rs. 2500.
"Rs. 2500.", the man said. "Well what does he do?
"He knows how to use all of the functions of Microsoft Office 2000, responds the clerk.
"He can do all of your spreadsheets and type all of your letters."
The man then asked what the second parrot cost.
The clerk replied, Rs. 5000, but he not only knows Office 2000,
but is an expert computer programmer.
Finally, the man inquired about the cost of the last parrot.
The clerk replied, "Rs. 10,000."
Curious as to how a bird can cost Rs. 10,000, the man asked what this bird's specialty was.
The clerk replies, "Well to be honest I haven't seen him do anything.
But the other two call him "BOSS"!!
The next day he went to the pet shop and saw
three identical parrots in a cage.
He asked the clerk, "how much for the parrot on the right?
The owner said it was Rs. 2500.
"Rs. 2500.", the man said. "Well what does he do?
"He knows how to use all of the functions of Microsoft Office 2000, responds the clerk.
"He can do all of your spreadsheets and type all of your letters."
The man then asked what the second parrot cost.
The clerk replied, Rs. 5000, but he not only knows Office 2000,
but is an expert computer programmer.
Finally, the man inquired about the cost of the last parrot.
The clerk replied, "Rs. 10,000."
Curious as to how a bird can cost Rs. 10,000, the man asked what this bird's specialty was.
The clerk replies, "Well to be honest I haven't seen him do anything.
But the other two call him "BOSS"!!
A little girl went
to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.
She poured the change out on the floor
and counted it carefully.
Three times, even.
The total had to be exactly perfect.
No chance here for mistakes.
Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she
slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
She waited patiently for
the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment.
Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat
with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good Finally she took a
quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!
'And what do you want?' the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of
voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages,' he
said without waiting for a reply to his question.
'Well, I want to talk
to you about my brother,' Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.
'He's really, really sick...
and I want to buy a miracle.'
'I beg your pardon?'
said the pharmacist.
'His name is Andrew
and he has something bad growing
inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now.
So how much does a miracle cost?'
'We don't sell miracles here, little girl.
I'm sorry but I can't help you,' the pharmacist said, softening a little.
'Listen, I have the money to pay for it.
If it isn't enough, I will get the rest.
Just tell me how much it costs.'
The pharmacist's brother was
a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, 'What kind of a
miracle does your brother need?'
' I don't know,' Tess replied with her
eyes welling up. I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an
operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it,
so I want to use my money.'
'How much do you have?' asked the man from Chicago
'One dollar and eleven cents,'
Tess answered barely audibly.
'And it's all the money I have,
but I can get some more if I need to.'
'Well, what a coincidence,'
smiled the man. 'A dollar and eleven cents---the exact price of a
miracle for little brothers.'
He took her money in one hand and with
the other hand he grasped her mitten and said 'Take me to where you live. I want
to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need.'
That well dressed man was
Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon,
specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge
and it wasn't long until
Andrew was home again and doing well.
Mom and Dad were
happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.
'That surgery,' her Mom whispered. 'was a real miracle. I wonder how
much it would have cost?'
Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven the faith of a little child.
In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need.
A miracle
is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law.
I know you'll keep the ball moving!
Here it goes. Throw it back to
someone who means something to you!
A ball is a circle, no beginning, no
end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends. But the treasure inside
for you to see is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.
I pass the friendship ball to you.
Pass it on to someone who is a friend
to you.
When you are sad.....
I will dry your tears.
When you are scared.....
I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried......
I will give you hope.
When you are confused......
I will help you cope.
And when you are lost...
And can't see the light,
I shall be your beacon...
Shining ever so bright..
This is my oath...
I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?...
Because you're my friend.
Signed: GOD
to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar from its hiding place in the closet.
She poured the change out on the floor
and counted it carefully.
Three times, even.
The total had to be exactly perfect.
No chance here for mistakes.
Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she
slipped out the back door and made her way 6 blocks to Rexall's Drug Store with the big red Indian Chief sign above the door.
She waited patiently for
the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment.
Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing. She cleared her throat
with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good Finally she took a
quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!
'And what do you want?' the pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of
voice. I'm talking to my brother from Chicago whom I haven't seen in ages,' he
said without waiting for a reply to his question.
'Well, I want to talk
to you about my brother,' Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.
'He's really, really sick...
and I want to buy a miracle.'
'I beg your pardon?'
said the pharmacist.
'His name is Andrew
and he has something bad growing
inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now.
So how much does a miracle cost?'
'We don't sell miracles here, little girl.
I'm sorry but I can't help you,' the pharmacist said, softening a little.
'Listen, I have the money to pay for it.
If it isn't enough, I will get the rest.
Just tell me how much it costs.'
The pharmacist's brother was
a well dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, 'What kind of a
miracle does your brother need?'
' I don't know,' Tess replied with her
eyes welling up. I just know he's really sick and Mommy says he needs an
operation. But my Daddy can't pay for it,
so I want to use my money.'
'How much do you have?' asked the man from Chicago
'One dollar and eleven cents,'
Tess answered barely audibly.
'And it's all the money I have,
but I can get some more if I need to.'
'Well, what a coincidence,'
smiled the man. 'A dollar and eleven cents---the exact price of a
miracle for little brothers.'
He took her money in one hand and with
the other hand he grasped her mitten and said 'Take me to where you live. I want
to see your brother and meet your parents. Let's see if I have the miracle you need.'
That well dressed man was
Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon,
specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge
and it wasn't long until
Andrew was home again and doing well.
Mom and Dad were
happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place.
'That surgery,' her Mom whispered. 'was a real miracle. I wonder how
much it would have cost?'
Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle dollar and eleven the faith of a little child.
In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need.
A miracle
is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law.
I know you'll keep the ball moving!
Here it goes. Throw it back to
someone who means something to you!
A ball is a circle, no beginning, no
end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends. But the treasure inside
for you to see is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.
I pass the friendship ball to you.
Pass it on to someone who is a friend
to you.
When you are sad.....
I will dry your tears.
When you are scared.....
I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried......
I will give you hope.
When you are confused......
I will help you cope.
And when you are lost...
And can't see the light,
I shall be your beacon...
Shining ever so bright..
This is my oath...
I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask?...
Because you're my friend.
Signed: GOD
Happy weekend
Well, it finally happened.
I've sent so many e-mails that my cursor caught on FIRE!
Click HERE-----How do they do that
I've sent so many e-mails that my cursor caught on FIRE!
Click HERE-----How do they do that
Did you know that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 act, in section “49-O” that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn’t want to vote anyone!
Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it.
This is called “49-O”. Why should you go and say “I VOTE NOBODY”… because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that Particular ward has received “49-O” votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them. This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way; of our whole political system… it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public….
Please spread this news to as many as you know…
Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India …
show your power, expressing your desire not to
Vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting… so don’t miss
your chance.
Well, here’s the text of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 (“Rules”):
49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
Rule 49-O falls under the Chapter II of Part IV of the Rules which was introduced in 1992 and deals only with voting by electronic voting machines or EVMs. The remark referred to here is an offline entry by the presiding offer (accompanied by the voter’s signature) to record the fact that a vote was not electronically recorded even though the voter had registered in the register of voters. This would allow reconciliation of mismatches arising from a situation where you have lesser votes polled in the machines than the names entered and signed in the register of voters. There is no provision for polling to be cancelled based on the number of 49-O votes.
Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it.
This is called “49-O”. Why should you go and say “I VOTE NOBODY”… because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that Particular ward has received “49-O” votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them. This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way; of our whole political system… it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public….
Please spread this news to as many as you know…
Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India …
show your power, expressing your desire not to
Vote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting… so don’t miss
your chance.
Well, here’s the text of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 (“Rules”):
49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
Rule 49-O falls under the Chapter II of Part IV of the Rules which was introduced in 1992 and deals only with voting by electronic voting machines or EVMs. The remark referred to here is an offline entry by the presiding offer (accompanied by the voter’s signature) to record the fact that a vote was not electronically recorded even though the voter had registered in the register of voters. This would allow reconciliation of mismatches arising from a situation where you have lesser votes polled in the machines than the names entered and signed in the register of voters. There is no provision for polling to be cancelled based on the number of 49-O votes.
A Japanese doctor said, 'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.'
A German doctor said, 'That's nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four weeks.'
A British doctor said, 'In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half of a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in two weeks.'
A Texas doctor, not to be outdone said, 'you guys are way behind. We took a man with no brains out of Texas, put him in the white house and now half the country is looking for work
How to clean the computer
Since our computers are always having trouble I thought I would try to help out by having all of our computers Cyb er-cleaned. The link below is an instant screen cleaner, it will help to brighten your computers and enhance the colors.
Click Here
Click Here
Robots for Military Use

BAE Systems will lead a team of scientists that will develop miniature robots to improve military situational awareness. The company signed a $38 million agreement with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory to lead an alliance of researchers and scientists from the Army, academia and industry.
The Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology (MAST) Collaborative Technology Alliance will research and develop advanced robotic equipment for use in urban environments and complex terrain, such as mountains and caves. The alliance will create an autonomous, multifunctional collection of miniature intelligence-gathering robots that can operate in places too inaccessible or dangerous for humans.
“Robotic platforms extend the warfighter’s senses and reach, providing operational capabilities that would otherwise be costly, impossible, or deadly to achieve,” said Dr. Joseph Mait, MAST cooperative agreement manager for the Army Research Laboratory. “The MAST alliance is a highly collaborative effort, with each partner from government, academia, and industry playing a significant role.”
MAST will advance fundamental science and technology for future robotic systems in several key areas, including small-scale aeromechanics and ambulation; propulsion; sensing, processing and communications; navigation and control; microdevices and integration; platform packaging; and systems architectures.
“The technologies that will be developed under MAST represent capabilities and techniques that will influence nearly all of the products that BAE Systems will develop and produce in the future,” said Steve Scalera, MAST program manager for BAE Systems in Merrimack, New Hampshire. “We and our alliance partners have committed our brightest minds to make the MAST program a success.”
The Alliance has a planned duration of five years with an option to extend for an additional five years. MAST consists of four primary research areas, led by four principal alliance members: BAE Systems will lead Microsystems Integration, the University of Michigan will lead Microelectronics, the University of Maryland will lead Microsystem Mechanics, and the University of Pennsylvania will lead Processing for Autonomous Operation.
The alliance also has five general members participating in one or more of the research areas: the University of California at Berkeley, the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of New Mexico, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.
A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had admired a beautiful sports car in a dealer's showroom, and knowing his father could well afford it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angry, he raised his voice to his father and said "With all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.
When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.
How many times do we Miss Spirit's blessings and answers to our prayers because they do not arrive exactly as we have expected?
Today’s affirmation: "Today I look beyond the obvious and allow miracles to be created in my life."
As Graduation Day approached, the young man awaited signs that his father had purchased the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his private study. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautifully wrapped gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound Bible, with the young man's name embossed in gold. Angry, he raised his voice to his father and said "With all your money, you give me a Bible?" and stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful home and wonderful family, but realized his father was very old, and thought perhaps he should go to him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make arrangements, he received a telegram telling him his father had passed away, and willed all of his possessions to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.
When he arrived at his father's house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search through his father's important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. And as he did, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer's name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and the words PAID IN FULL.
How many times do we Miss Spirit's blessings and answers to our prayers because they do not arrive exactly as we have expected?
Today’s affirmation: "Today I look beyond the obvious and allow miracles to be created in my life."
Forgive and Forget
An old man once had an argument with his only son. He tried to apologize many times but the young man would not listen. The father never gave up because he loved his son with all his heart, but the son would not give in, because he was too blinded by his pride.
Years passed and as the man lay in his deathbed, he made a final attempt to reconcile with his son, but still he would not listen and so the father died with a heart full of grief.
During this time the son too had a child who had now grown up into a young adult. To this child he never mentioned his father and when the young man asked about his grandfather he would tell him never to mention him again.
One day, they too were both involved in a hot argument and his son fled away as his father did many years before. The man was extremely saddened and this time he had no pride, but felt completely isolated.
He was afraid that he had lost his son forever and for the first time after many years he turned to God in prayer. At that moment something filled his heart and he realized how his father must have felt many years back.
He remembered how he had hurt his old man and only at that point he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused. The more he thought the more he understood how unjust he was with his old father, the man who gave him everything through out his life.
With these sad thoughts he felt asleep on the couch. Next morning when he opened his eyes he found himself tucked in his bed and in front of him stood his son. The man could not believe his eyes, and the two hugged each other while they cried together.
After lots of apologies, the young man explained that up till the day before he felt lots of hatred towards his father, but during the night he had a strange dream that touched his heart. He dreamt that an old man was hugging him, and as he embraced him, all his hatred turned into love. The old man then told him to forgive and forget. He then explained that as soon as he woke up he came running to his father's house.
At this point the man told his son that on the same night, he learnt an important lesson, and how he had let his father down when he was younger. The son wanted to know more about his grandfather who he never met or even saw, and this was the most appropriate time.
The man went to an old bookshelf and fetched an old family album. He then picked an old photograph of his father and when the son saw it, he remained dumb-founded. The son then explained that the man in the photograph was the same one he dreamt of the night before.
Years passed and as the man lay in his deathbed, he made a final attempt to reconcile with his son, but still he would not listen and so the father died with a heart full of grief.
During this time the son too had a child who had now grown up into a young adult. To this child he never mentioned his father and when the young man asked about his grandfather he would tell him never to mention him again.
One day, they too were both involved in a hot argument and his son fled away as his father did many years before. The man was extremely saddened and this time he had no pride, but felt completely isolated.
He was afraid that he had lost his son forever and for the first time after many years he turned to God in prayer. At that moment something filled his heart and he realized how his father must have felt many years back.
He remembered how he had hurt his old man and only at that point he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused. The more he thought the more he understood how unjust he was with his old father, the man who gave him everything through out his life.
With these sad thoughts he felt asleep on the couch. Next morning when he opened his eyes he found himself tucked in his bed and in front of him stood his son. The man could not believe his eyes, and the two hugged each other while they cried together.
After lots of apologies, the young man explained that up till the day before he felt lots of hatred towards his father, but during the night he had a strange dream that touched his heart. He dreamt that an old man was hugging him, and as he embraced him, all his hatred turned into love. The old man then told him to forgive and forget. He then explained that as soon as he woke up he came running to his father's house.
At this point the man told his son that on the same night, he learnt an important lesson, and how he had let his father down when he was younger. The son wanted to know more about his grandfather who he never met or even saw, and this was the most appropriate time.
The man went to an old bookshelf and fetched an old family album. He then picked an old photograph of his father and when the son saw it, he remained dumb-founded. The son then explained that the man in the photograph was the same one he dreamt of the night before.
Standard Height and Weight for Indian Men & Women
Standard Height and Weight for Indian Men & Women:
Height in Metre &(Feet/inches) Men (In Kgs) Women (In Kgs)
1.52 (5’ 0”) --- 50.8 to 54.4.
1.54 (5’ 1”) --- 51.7 to 55.3
1.57 (5’ 2”) 56.3 to 60.3 53.1 to 56.7.
1.60 (5’ 3”) 57.6 to 61.7 54.4 to 58.1.
1.63 (5’ 4”) 58.9 to 63.5 56.3 to 59.9.
1.65 (5’ 5”) 60.8 to 65.3 57.6 to 61.2.
1.68 (5’ 6”) 62.2 to 66.7 58.9 to 63.5.
1.70 (5’ 7”) 64.0 to 68.5 60.8 to 65.3.
1.73 (5’ 8”) 65.8 to 70.8 62.2 to 66.7.
1.75 (5’ 9”) 67.6 to 72.6 64.0 to 68.5.
1.78 (5’10”) 69.4 to 74.4. 65.8 to 70.3.
1.80 (5’11”) 71.2 to 76.2 67.1 to 71.7.
1.83 (6’ 0”) 73.0 to 78.5 68.5 to 73.9.
1.85 (6’ 1”) 75.3 to 80.7 ---
1.88 ( 6’2”) 77.6 to 83.5 ---
1.90 (6’ 3”) 79.8 to 85.7 ---
But, please be informed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the figures given above. Carrying a little extra or a little less weight which one feels comfortable with and which gives a “healthy” look is perfectly acceptable.
Weight control measures should be long term goals. Sudden crash weight loss regimes are not only harmful but also not sustainable over a long period of time. Watching one’s weight should start relatively early in life. Body weight can be kept in balance by a healthy mixture of diet, physical exercise and activity and in fact adopting a suitable life style. The best way is to permanently adopt a healthy and regular life style.
You have to put in some effort for maintaining your body weight and your own health!
Other aspects of “ageing gracefully & healthy” will be elaborated in our forthcoming newsletters.
Things to do :
•Check your height and weight once in 6 months & keep a record.
•If you are grossly overweight or underweight consult your family physician or suitable medical professional and slowly and in determined fashion adopt long term life style changes.
•An annual or biannual “Comprehensive Health Check Up” after the age of 35 is a worthwhile measure to be followed by all.
•Keep all your health records filed carefully and datewise.
Height in Metre &(Feet/inches) Men (In Kgs) Women (In Kgs)
1.52 (5’ 0”) --- 50.8 to 54.4.
1.54 (5’ 1”) --- 51.7 to 55.3
1.57 (5’ 2”) 56.3 to 60.3 53.1 to 56.7.
1.60 (5’ 3”) 57.6 to 61.7 54.4 to 58.1.
1.63 (5’ 4”) 58.9 to 63.5 56.3 to 59.9.
1.65 (5’ 5”) 60.8 to 65.3 57.6 to 61.2.
1.68 (5’ 6”) 62.2 to 66.7 58.9 to 63.5.
1.70 (5’ 7”) 64.0 to 68.5 60.8 to 65.3.
1.73 (5’ 8”) 65.8 to 70.8 62.2 to 66.7.
1.75 (5’ 9”) 67.6 to 72.6 64.0 to 68.5.
1.78 (5’10”) 69.4 to 74.4. 65.8 to 70.3.
1.80 (5’11”) 71.2 to 76.2 67.1 to 71.7.
1.83 (6’ 0”) 73.0 to 78.5 68.5 to 73.9.
1.85 (6’ 1”) 75.3 to 80.7 ---
1.88 ( 6’2”) 77.6 to 83.5 ---
1.90 (6’ 3”) 79.8 to 85.7 ---
But, please be informed that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the figures given above. Carrying a little extra or a little less weight which one feels comfortable with and which gives a “healthy” look is perfectly acceptable.
Weight control measures should be long term goals. Sudden crash weight loss regimes are not only harmful but also not sustainable over a long period of time. Watching one’s weight should start relatively early in life. Body weight can be kept in balance by a healthy mixture of diet, physical exercise and activity and in fact adopting a suitable life style. The best way is to permanently adopt a healthy and regular life style.
You have to put in some effort for maintaining your body weight and your own health!
Other aspects of “ageing gracefully & healthy” will be elaborated in our forthcoming newsletters.
Things to do :
•Check your height and weight once in 6 months & keep a record.
•If you are grossly overweight or underweight consult your family physician or suitable medical professional and slowly and in determined fashion adopt long term life style changes.
•An annual or biannual “Comprehensive Health Check Up” after the age of 35 is a worthwhile measure to be followed by all.
•Keep all your health records filed carefully and datewise.
In today's fast paced life, people are leading a very unhealthy lifestyle. The increasing rate of health diseases, stress levels, lack or inadequate sleep are caused due to the fast paced life style. People get so engrossed in coming up in life that the forget their health. There is a popular saying 'If wealth is lost, something is lost, but if health is lost, everything is lost". It is the apt time that people start concentrating on their health and well being.
Walking is the most safest start towards exercise routine. Particularly for obese people walking is the most recommended start. To start with always stick to a comfortable speed in which you do not gasp for breath. One should never start to jog immediately take time and seek appropriate medical advice before jogging.
Walking on hills is good. The uphill provides cardiovascular benefits and the downhill is known for reducing the blood sugar levels. Walking on hills may not be possible for all of us due to the location constraints. This can be achieved by using some specifically made Treadmills which allow to simulate the required inclination.
Walking helps burn fat, boosts the energy levels and decreases health risks. Many people whose life style is sedentary or who are obese have very low fitness levels due to lack of exercise. Walking is the ideal exercise start for these kind of people. Walking enables to workout at a steady, which is required to burn fat effectively. To burn fat we need the body to be permanently in fat-burning mode during the whole exercise, walking is a constant and gradual activity so it achieves fat-burning mode very effectively even if the person lacks some fitness.
Walking has many health benefits, It can reduce the risk of many diseases like heart attack, stroke, depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence etc. It helps cure sleeplessness.
Listed are some of the benefits of Walking:
Helps overcome depression.
Helps fight against stress and aids in relaxation.
Helps over come sleepless nights.
Helps to increase the body activity and provides flexibility.
Helps toning the body.
Helps to burn fat.
Walking is the most safest start towards exercise routine. Particularly for obese people walking is the most recommended start. To start with always stick to a comfortable speed in which you do not gasp for breath. One should never start to jog immediately take time and seek appropriate medical advice before jogging.
Walking on hills is good. The uphill provides cardiovascular benefits and the downhill is known for reducing the blood sugar levels. Walking on hills may not be possible for all of us due to the location constraints. This can be achieved by using some specifically made Treadmills which allow to simulate the required inclination.
Walking helps burn fat, boosts the energy levels and decreases health risks. Many people whose life style is sedentary or who are obese have very low fitness levels due to lack of exercise. Walking is the ideal exercise start for these kind of people. Walking enables to workout at a steady, which is required to burn fat effectively. To burn fat we need the body to be permanently in fat-burning mode during the whole exercise, walking is a constant and gradual activity so it achieves fat-burning mode very effectively even if the person lacks some fitness.
Walking has many health benefits, It can reduce the risk of many diseases like heart attack, stroke, depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence etc. It helps cure sleeplessness.
Listed are some of the benefits of Walking:
Helps overcome depression.
Helps fight against stress and aids in relaxation.
Helps over come sleepless nights.
Helps to increase the body activity and provides flexibility.
Helps toning the body.
Helps to burn fat.
Professional Management FUNDAS
Today's Professional Management FUNDAS
1."We will do it" means "You will do it"
2."You have done a great job" means "More work to be given to you"
3."We are working on it" means "We have not yet started working on the same"
4."Tomorrow first thing in the morning" means "Its not getting done "At least not tomorrow!"
5."After discussion we will decide-I am very open to views" means "I have already decided, I will tell you what to do"
6."There was a slight intercommunication" means "We had actually lied"
7."Lets call a meeting and discuss" means "I have no time now, will talk later"
8."We can always do it" means "We actually cannot do the same on time"
9."We are on the right track but there needs to be a slight extension of the deadline" means "The project is screwed up, we cannot deliver on time."
10."We had slight differences of opinion "means "We had actually fought"
11."Make a list of the work that you do and let's see how I can help you" means "Anyway you have to find a way out no help from me"
12."You should have told me earlier" means "Well even if you told me earlier that would have made hardly any difference!"
13."We need to find out the real reason" means "Well I will tell you where your fault is"
14."Well Family is important; your leave is always granted. Just ensure that the work is not affected," means, "Well you know..."
15."We are a team," means, "I am not the only one to be blamed"
16."That's actually a good question" means "I do not know anything about it"
17."All the Best" means "You are in trouble"
1."We will do it" means "You will do it"
2."You have done a great job" means "More work to be given to you"
3."We are working on it" means "We have not yet started working on the same"
4."Tomorrow first thing in the morning" means "Its not getting done "At least not tomorrow!"
5."After discussion we will decide-I am very open to views" means "I have already decided, I will tell you what to do"
6."There was a slight intercommunication" means "We had actually lied"
7."Lets call a meeting and discuss" means "I have no time now, will talk later"
8."We can always do it" means "We actually cannot do the same on time"
9."We are on the right track but there needs to be a slight extension of the deadline" means "The project is screwed up, we cannot deliver on time."
10."We had slight differences of opinion "means "We had actually fought"
11."Make a list of the work that you do and let's see how I can help you" means "Anyway you have to find a way out no help from me"
12."You should have told me earlier" means "Well even if you told me earlier that would have made hardly any difference!"
13."We need to find out the real reason" means "Well I will tell you where your fault is"
14."Well Family is important; your leave is always granted. Just ensure that the work is not affected," means, "Well you know..."
15."We are a team," means, "I am not the only one to be blamed"
16."That's actually a good question" means "I do not know anything about it"
17."All the Best" means "You are in trouble"
Intresting one
A mechanic was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car when he spotted the famous heart surgeon in his shop, which was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come to take a look at his car.
The mechanic shouted across the garage,” Hello Doctor!! Please come over here for a minute."
The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic.
The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked argumentatively, "So doctor, look at this. I also open hearts, take valves out, grind 'em, put in new parts, and when I finish this will work as a new one. So how come you get the big money, when you and me is doing basically the same work? "
The doctor leaned over and whispered to the mechanic.....
He said: "Try to do it when the engine is running".
The mechanic shouted across the garage,” Hello Doctor!! Please come over here for a minute."
The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic.
The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked argumentatively, "So doctor, look at this. I also open hearts, take valves out, grind 'em, put in new parts, and when I finish this will work as a new one. So how come you get the big money, when you and me is doing basically the same work? "
The doctor leaned over and whispered to the mechanic.....
He said: "Try to do it when the engine is running".
Joke & Quotes
This is a very funny joke I received some time ago from a friend. I believe it’s worth sharing… hope it will make your weekend a much better one. Enjoy… make sure you read till the end.
One politician, one thief and an INTEL Manager died. They went straight to hell. Don’t ask me why hell, but not heaven.
The politician said “I miss my country. I want to call my country and see how everybody is doing there.” She called and talked for about 5 minutes, then she asked “Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call?”.
The devil said “Five million dollars”.
The politician wrote him a check immediately and went to sit back on her chair.
The thief saw all these and was so jealous, he started screaming, “My turn! I want to call my group members, I want to see how everybody is doing there too!”
He called and talked for about 2 minutes, then he asked “Well, devil, how much do I need to pay for the call? Make sure it’s cheap enough.”
The devil said “Ten million dollars”.
He smashed his forehead. But he still made a check and went to sit back on his chair.
The INTEL Manager was even more jealous and started screaming, “I want to call my office friends and managers too.”
He called other INTEL employees and he talked for twenty hours about cost cutting measures, stock gains, market segments, improvising, automation,… he talked and talked and talked. Finally, when he’s done he asked “Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call?”
The devil answered “Twenty dollars”.
The INTEL Manager was stunned and asked for confirmation, “Twenty dollars? Only??”
Devil said…
Calling from Hell to INTEL is a local call!
"Ability may get you to top, but it takes character to keep you there!"
No one is born happy ..
But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness ..
So today, make others happy ..
Flash your sweetest Smile..
One politician, one thief and an INTEL Manager died. They went straight to hell. Don’t ask me why hell, but not heaven.
The politician said “I miss my country. I want to call my country and see how everybody is doing there.” She called and talked for about 5 minutes, then she asked “Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call?”.
The devil said “Five million dollars”.
The politician wrote him a check immediately and went to sit back on her chair.
The thief saw all these and was so jealous, he started screaming, “My turn! I want to call my group members, I want to see how everybody is doing there too!”
He called and talked for about 2 minutes, then he asked “Well, devil, how much do I need to pay for the call? Make sure it’s cheap enough.”
The devil said “Ten million dollars”.
He smashed his forehead. But he still made a check and went to sit back on his chair.
The INTEL Manager was even more jealous and started screaming, “I want to call my office friends and managers too.”
He called other INTEL employees and he talked for twenty hours about cost cutting measures, stock gains, market segments, improvising, automation,… he talked and talked and talked. Finally, when he’s done he asked “Well, devil how much do I need to pay for the call?”
The devil answered “Twenty dollars”.
The INTEL Manager was stunned and asked for confirmation, “Twenty dollars? Only??”
Devil said…
Calling from Hell to INTEL is a local call!
"Ability may get you to top, but it takes character to keep you there!"
No one is born happy ..
But all of us are born with the ability to create happiness ..
So today, make others happy ..
Flash your sweetest Smile..
Smart Ways to tackle INCOME TAX
Submitting proof of investments is an extremely traumatizing affair for all salaried individuals. First, you have to deal with the painful task of collecting and organizing hordes of receipts. To top it off are the anxiety levels of not knowing if you’ve invested enough and worrying about how much money you’ll lose to tax in the following couple of months.
Naturally, we all have tax consultants, who will tell us what we need to do to ensure the least possible impact of tax, but it’s even more helpful if we, ourselves are very clear on exactly how much of our salary can we claim as exempted from tax. This way, we know exactly how much we must invest to minimize tax liability. Make no mistake, investing in order to save tax is absolutely necessary, but knowing deductibles on your salary ensures you don’t overdo your tax saving investments.
Basic salary: high or low?
If you earn a salary of Rs 1,00,000 per month, you are definitely aware that the basic amount in your salary is taxable. A high basic salary will come in good stead when you retire, but the flip side, as mentioned above is the tax liability of the same. Let’s say your basic is Rs 40,000. That would make your HRA as 20,000, which can only be claimed as tax deductible if you submit proof of rent to your employer.
Allowances: Double edged sword
Take note that any allowances included as a fixed component in your salary, like petrol, mobile phone bills, etc will be tax deductible. However, if the same were being given to you separately as reimbursement, these aren’t deductible for tax. So, if your pay package has reimbursements as opposed to allowances and that too separate from your monthly package these can be claimed as exempt from tax.
Provident Fund contribution
The Provident Fund contribution from your salary is deductible. You don’t really need to specify this in your declaration. This is something your employers factor in when deducting tax. If you have switched jobs and requested for withdrawal of PF, then the number of years of service will determine whether that withdrawn PF amount is taxable or not. According to the law, PF withdrawal after continuous service of 5 years (with single or multiple employers) is exempt from tax. So, if you’ve worked for less than 5 years, then the interest component on PF is treated as ‘income from other sources’ and is hence taxable. Also, the employer’s contribution is considered as income and is therefore taxable.
Home loans: boon and bane
There is one oft-used and essential tax-saver – home loans. What is commonly done (if both partners are working) is that one partner shoulders the EMI responsibility while the other handles the household expenses. Instead what can be done is that both the partners become co-applicants to the loan. This mean each can claim the rebate individually. Let’s say, the rebate to the loan is Rs 1,00,000 plus another lakh on principal amount, if you have a co-applicant to the loan, then each of you can individually claim Rs200,000 (that’s Rs400,000 in total). Use the rest of your taxable income for some sensible investment then. Note though, home loan tax benefits will come to both the co-applicants only if each has a source of steady income (and proof of payment made is submitted by both). Dependent partners can be co-applicants but won’t avail tax benefits if they aren’t earning.
And, finally education
Another expenditure to take note of, is the amount you spend on your child’s education. In your child’s school fees, there is the tuition fee component, which is entirely tax deductible (under Section 80 C). So keep those receipts handy.
These are some basic deductions, applicable to salaried individuals that need to be factored in before you invest (last-minute) for ‘tax purposes’.
Naturally, we all have tax consultants, who will tell us what we need to do to ensure the least possible impact of tax, but it’s even more helpful if we, ourselves are very clear on exactly how much of our salary can we claim as exempted from tax. This way, we know exactly how much we must invest to minimize tax liability. Make no mistake, investing in order to save tax is absolutely necessary, but knowing deductibles on your salary ensures you don’t overdo your tax saving investments.
Basic salary: high or low?
If you earn a salary of Rs 1,00,000 per month, you are definitely aware that the basic amount in your salary is taxable. A high basic salary will come in good stead when you retire, but the flip side, as mentioned above is the tax liability of the same. Let’s say your basic is Rs 40,000. That would make your HRA as 20,000, which can only be claimed as tax deductible if you submit proof of rent to your employer.
Allowances: Double edged sword
Take note that any allowances included as a fixed component in your salary, like petrol, mobile phone bills, etc will be tax deductible. However, if the same were being given to you separately as reimbursement, these aren’t deductible for tax. So, if your pay package has reimbursements as opposed to allowances and that too separate from your monthly package these can be claimed as exempt from tax.
Provident Fund contribution
The Provident Fund contribution from your salary is deductible. You don’t really need to specify this in your declaration. This is something your employers factor in when deducting tax. If you have switched jobs and requested for withdrawal of PF, then the number of years of service will determine whether that withdrawn PF amount is taxable or not. According to the law, PF withdrawal after continuous service of 5 years (with single or multiple employers) is exempt from tax. So, if you’ve worked for less than 5 years, then the interest component on PF is treated as ‘income from other sources’ and is hence taxable. Also, the employer’s contribution is considered as income and is therefore taxable.
Home loans: boon and bane
There is one oft-used and essential tax-saver – home loans. What is commonly done (if both partners are working) is that one partner shoulders the EMI responsibility while the other handles the household expenses. Instead what can be done is that both the partners become co-applicants to the loan. This mean each can claim the rebate individually. Let’s say, the rebate to the loan is Rs 1,00,000 plus another lakh on principal amount, if you have a co-applicant to the loan, then each of you can individually claim Rs200,000 (that’s Rs400,000 in total). Use the rest of your taxable income for some sensible investment then. Note though, home loan tax benefits will come to both the co-applicants only if each has a source of steady income (and proof of payment made is submitted by both). Dependent partners can be co-applicants but won’t avail tax benefits if they aren’t earning.
And, finally education
Another expenditure to take note of, is the amount you spend on your child’s education. In your child’s school fees, there is the tuition fee component, which is entirely tax deductible (under Section 80 C). So keep those receipts handy.
These are some basic deductions, applicable to salaried individuals that need to be factored in before you invest (last-minute) for ‘tax purposes’.
Have a wonderful Day
Anger is a condition in which
the tongue works faster than the mind.
You can't change the past,
but you can ruin the present
by worrying over the future.
God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.
All people smile in the same language.
A hug is a great gift... one size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion
and it's easy to exchange.
Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not deserve it.
The real measure of a man's wealth
is what he has invested in eternity.
Laughter is God's sunshine.
Everyone has beauty
but not everyone sees it.
It's important for parents to live
the same things they teach.
Thank God for what you have,
TRUST GOD for what you need.
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday
and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.
Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.
The choice you make today
will usually affect tomorrow.
Take time to laugh, for it is
the music of the soul.
If anyone speaks badly of you,
live so none will believe it.
Patience is the ability to idle your motor
when you feel like stripping your gears.
Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.
The best thing parents can do
for their children is to love each other.
Harsh words break no bones
but they do break hearts.
To get out of a difficulty,
one usually must go through it.
We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks for.
Love is the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.
Happiness is enhanced by others
but does not depend upon others.
For every minute you are angry with someone,
you lose 60 seconds of happiness
that you can never get back.
Do what you can, for who you can,
with what you have, and where you are.
Once all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella....
That's Confidence..
Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby when you throw him in the air; he laughs.....because he knows you will catch him....
That's Trust..
Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still we have plans for the coming day....
the tongue works faster than the mind.
You can't change the past,
but you can ruin the present
by worrying over the future.
God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.
All people smile in the same language.
A hug is a great gift... one size fits all.
It can be given for any occasion
and it's easy to exchange.
Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not deserve it.
The real measure of a man's wealth
is what he has invested in eternity.
Laughter is God's sunshine.
Everyone has beauty
but not everyone sees it.
It's important for parents to live
the same things they teach.
Thank God for what you have,
TRUST GOD for what you need.
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday
and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.
Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.
The choice you make today
will usually affect tomorrow.
Take time to laugh, for it is
the music of the soul.
If anyone speaks badly of you,
live so none will believe it.
Patience is the ability to idle your motor
when you feel like stripping your gears.
Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.
The best thing parents can do
for their children is to love each other.
Harsh words break no bones
but they do break hearts.
To get out of a difficulty,
one usually must go through it.
We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks for.
Love is the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.
Happiness is enhanced by others
but does not depend upon others.
For every minute you are angry with someone,
you lose 60 seconds of happiness
that you can never get back.
Do what you can, for who you can,
with what you have, and where you are.
Once all village people decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all people gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella....
That's Confidence..
Trust should be like the feeling of a one year old baby when you throw him in the air; he laughs.....because he knows you will catch him....
That's Trust..
Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance to get up alive in the next morning but still we have plans for the coming day....
Steps For Healthier Life
In the late 20th century, along came aerobics, isometrics, Richard Simmons, Dr. Atkins, and a nonstop barrage of exercise gadgets, all of which have left the average person dazed, confused, and in worse shape then ever! So what really works? Here are some helpful tips for getting in shape.
1. Follow a balanced exercise program.
A brisk 30-minute walk while enjoying the sunset will burn 1,500 calories per week that's 78,000 calories a year! Cardio is great for your heart and lungs, but add a couple sessions of weight training to tone or build muscle.
2. Schedule family fitness time.
Play basketball, chase a Frisbee, or hike the hills together. You'll be getting closer to each other as you shape up.
3. Invest in a jump rope.
It's a great workout anytime. Set a goal of skipping rope for ten minutes per day and watch those love handles melt away.
4. Get a training partner. Knowing that someone is waiting is great motivation to get on with it. You'll also have a ready-made spotter.
5. Exercise in water to relieve stress on the joints and back.
Check out the aerobics programs at your local pool and go aqua -- the wave of the future.
6. Get active at work.
Walk around outside on your breaks. When in front of a computer, sit up and pull in your abs.
7. Eat more frequent, smaller meals.
It is better to eat six small meals a day than three large meals. The smaller the meal, the less your stomach will stretch.
8. Hydrate with water.
Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. This does not include coffee, soda, or fruit-flavored drinks, which have extra calories.
9. Don't pollute your body.
Avoid tobacco, excess alcohol, and illegal drugs. These are bad for health and can also inhibit weight loss.
10. Always eat a good breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is a method of dieting for many people. But studies have found that people who eat breakfast are actually less likely to be obese.
11. Start cooking healthy.
Stop frying your food and opt for roasting or grilling instead. Frying only adds unnecessary calories to food.
12. Enjoy every morsel of food.
When eating, chew food slowly. Relish it and pay attention to flavors and taste. The longer you chew, the fuller you'll feel!
13. Be an early riser.
Start your day early. Rising with the sun helps reset your body's clock. This builds better sleep patterns so you're energized all day.
14. Be sun smart.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Sun exposure increases your risk, so when you're in the heat of it, either cover up or slip, slap, slop on a high SPF sunscreen!
15. Stay emotionally in shape.
Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. Don't ignore what's going on in your heart and mind. It is healthy to acknowledge your emotions.
16. Keep your teeth healthy.
A common cause of tooth loss after age 35 is gum disease. Keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of plaque by brushing and flossing every day.
17. Eat five or more servings of fruits and veggies per day.
Keep fruits and vegetables on the front shelves of your refrigerator so they are easy to get to when you reach for a snack!
18. De-stress your life.
Stress can cause or aggravate many health conditions. So, don't sweat the small stuff!
19. Know thyself.
Knowing your family's health history can help you stay healthy. Many diseases are hereditary and preventable with early screening.
20. Look after your mental health. Depression is a serious illness that needs to be treated. It's not your fault, so you shouldn't be afraid to talk to a doctor for help.
21. Get a good night's sleep.
Lack of sleep causes stress on the body. It increases cortical and insulin, promoting fat storage and making weight loss difficult.
22. Ladies, perform regular breast examinations.
The best time to perform breast self-examination is the week after your menstrual period, when breast tissue is less tender and swollen.
23. Take a nap.
Many have commended the benefits of a good 30- to 45-minute nap a day to keep refreshed and lower stress. Try it -- it doesn't mean you've passed your use-by date!
24. Open your lungs.
Sing your heart out! It doesn't matter what you sound like! In the shower, in the car, or wherever you are, sing out loud. It's a great stress reliever.
25. Take time to enjoy your life.
While it's important to do a good job and take care of responsibilities, life is also meant to be enjoyed. Loosen up! Laugh at yourself, and play as hard as you work!
Source: From NET
1. Follow a balanced exercise program.
A brisk 30-minute walk while enjoying the sunset will burn 1,500 calories per week that's 78,000 calories a year! Cardio is great for your heart and lungs, but add a couple sessions of weight training to tone or build muscle.
2. Schedule family fitness time.
Play basketball, chase a Frisbee, or hike the hills together. You'll be getting closer to each other as you shape up.
3. Invest in a jump rope.
It's a great workout anytime. Set a goal of skipping rope for ten minutes per day and watch those love handles melt away.
4. Get a training partner. Knowing that someone is waiting is great motivation to get on with it. You'll also have a ready-made spotter.
5. Exercise in water to relieve stress on the joints and back.
Check out the aerobics programs at your local pool and go aqua -- the wave of the future.
6. Get active at work.
Walk around outside on your breaks. When in front of a computer, sit up and pull in your abs.
7. Eat more frequent, smaller meals.
It is better to eat six small meals a day than three large meals. The smaller the meal, the less your stomach will stretch.
8. Hydrate with water.
Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. This does not include coffee, soda, or fruit-flavored drinks, which have extra calories.
9. Don't pollute your body.
Avoid tobacco, excess alcohol, and illegal drugs. These are bad for health and can also inhibit weight loss.
10. Always eat a good breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is a method of dieting for many people. But studies have found that people who eat breakfast are actually less likely to be obese.
11. Start cooking healthy.
Stop frying your food and opt for roasting or grilling instead. Frying only adds unnecessary calories to food.
12. Enjoy every morsel of food.
When eating, chew food slowly. Relish it and pay attention to flavors and taste. The longer you chew, the fuller you'll feel!
13. Be an early riser.
Start your day early. Rising with the sun helps reset your body's clock. This builds better sleep patterns so you're energized all day.
14. Be sun smart.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Sun exposure increases your risk, so when you're in the heat of it, either cover up or slip, slap, slop on a high SPF sunscreen!
15. Stay emotionally in shape.
Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system. Don't ignore what's going on in your heart and mind. It is healthy to acknowledge your emotions.
16. Keep your teeth healthy.
A common cause of tooth loss after age 35 is gum disease. Keep your teeth and gums healthy and free of plaque by brushing and flossing every day.
17. Eat five or more servings of fruits and veggies per day.
Keep fruits and vegetables on the front shelves of your refrigerator so they are easy to get to when you reach for a snack!
18. De-stress your life.
Stress can cause or aggravate many health conditions. So, don't sweat the small stuff!
19. Know thyself.
Knowing your family's health history can help you stay healthy. Many diseases are hereditary and preventable with early screening.
20. Look after your mental health. Depression is a serious illness that needs to be treated. It's not your fault, so you shouldn't be afraid to talk to a doctor for help.
21. Get a good night's sleep.
Lack of sleep causes stress on the body. It increases cortical and insulin, promoting fat storage and making weight loss difficult.
22. Ladies, perform regular breast examinations.
The best time to perform breast self-examination is the week after your menstrual period, when breast tissue is less tender and swollen.
23. Take a nap.
Many have commended the benefits of a good 30- to 45-minute nap a day to keep refreshed and lower stress. Try it -- it doesn't mean you've passed your use-by date!
24. Open your lungs.
Sing your heart out! It doesn't matter what you sound like! In the shower, in the car, or wherever you are, sing out loud. It's a great stress reliever.
25. Take time to enjoy your life.
While it's important to do a good job and take care of responsibilities, life is also meant to be enjoyed. Loosen up! Laugh at yourself, and play as hard as you work!
Source: From NET
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Good Morning
Don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Rain becomes more enjoyable if it follows a sunny day
Food become more relishing if for days Hungary you stay
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Gold becomes beautiful ornament by molding and heating
Marble becomes beautiful status by carving and beating
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Pebble becomes smooth by constant rolling
Pencil becomes usable by sharpening
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Rain becomes more enjoyable if it follows a sunny day
Food become more relishing if for days Hungary you stay
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Gold becomes beautiful ornament by molding and heating
Marble becomes beautiful status by carving and beating
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Pebble becomes smooth by constant rolling
Pencil becomes usable by sharpening
So, don't ever give up
Failure and Success is in everyone's cup
Importance of Breakfast

Breakfast can help prevent strokes, heart attack and sudden death. Advice on not to skip breakfast!
Healthy living. For those who always skip breakfast, you should stop that habit now! You've heard many times that 'Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.' Now, recent research confirms that one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast. Why?
Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between 6: 00a.m. and noon, with the highest incidence being between 8: 00a.m. and 10:00a.m.What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump in sudden death in the early morning hours? We may have an Answer. Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to Cholesterol or plaque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal blood clots at the greatest frequency.
However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes. Studies performed at Memorial University in St.Johns, Newfoundland found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein coming from yogurt or fat-free milk. So if you skip breakfast, it's important that you change this practice immediately in light of this research. Develop a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six ounces of grape juice or orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This simple plan will keep your platelets from sticking together, keep blood clots from forming, and perhaps head off a potential Heart Attack or stroke.
Friends never ever skip breakfast!
chinese Special
Boneless chicken, finger sized pieces: 400 grams
Green chillies, chopped: 6-8
Cornflour: 2½ tablespoons
Salt: To taste
Black peppercorns, crushed: ½ teaspoon
Egg: 1
Dark soya sauce: 2 tablespoons
Oil: 1 tablespoon + to deep fry
Garlic, chopped: 8-10 cloves
Onion: 2 medium
Red chilli sauce: 2 tablespoons
Chicken stock: 1 cup
Vinegar: 2 tablespoons
Green capsicums, seeded, thick strips: 2 medium
1.Take chicken pieces in a bowl. Add half the cornflour, salt, crushed black peppercorns, egg and mix. Add a little dark soya sauce and mix.
2.Heat sufficient oil in a wok and deep fry the chicken pieces till golden. Take care not to overcook. Drain and set aside.
3.Heat oil in another wok. Add garlic and sauté for half a minute. Add green chillies and continue to sauté. Add onion, green capsicum and sauté.
4.Add the remaining dark soya sauce, red chilli sauce and stir. Add a little chicken stock and bring the mixture to a boil.
5.Blend the remaining cornflour in a little stock. Add fried chicken pieces to the wok and toss. Add blended cornflour and mix. Add salt and cook for a minute.
6.Add vinegar and stir. The starter is ready.
7.If you want gravy add some more stock and let it come to a boil.
8.Serve hot.
Basmati rice: 1½ cups
Jasmine flowers: 20-25
Oil: 2 tablespoons
Onion, finely chopped: 1 small
Yellow capsicum, seeded and finely chopped: ½ medium
Red capsicum, seeded and finely chopped: ½ medium
Salt: To taste
Spring onion greens, finely chopped: 3-4 stalks
1.Soak rice in four cups of water for half an hour. Drain.
2.Boil five cups of water with salt. Add soaked rice. After a while make a potli of jasmine flowers and add to the water for a short time. When the rice is half done remove the potli, drain the water and keep the rice aside.
3.Heat oil in a pan. Add onion and sauté. Add yellow and red capsicums and sauté. Add rice and stir gently. Add salt, spring onion greens, cover and cook till the rice is fully done but the grains remain separate.
4.Serve hot.
Note: If you want you can substitute yellow and red capsicums with one green capsicum.
Carrots, thinly sliced: 2 medium
Green capsicum, 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Red capsicum (optional), 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Yellow capsicum (optional), 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Cashewnuts: 6-7
Fresh button mushrooms, sliced: 4-5
Spinach: 6-7 leaves
Cabbage, 1 inch cubes: ½ small
Oil: 1 tablespoon
Garlic, crushed: 2 cloves
Spring onions, quartered: 2
Dark soy sauce: 3 teaspoons
Vegetable stock: 1¼ cups
Cornflour: 2 teaspoons
Bean sprouts: ¼ cup
Salt: To taste
1.Heat a wok. Add oil and heat. Add garlic and sauté till lightly browned.
2.Add spring onions and stir. Add carrots, green capsicum, red capsicum, yellow capsicums and salt and toss.
3.Add cashewnuts, mushrooms, soy sauce and one cup of vegetable stock and stir.
4.Chop off the stems and roughly chop spinach.
5.Dissolve cornflour in the remaining vegetable stock and add to the wok. Stir and cook. When most of the moisture has evaporated add spinach, cabbage, bean sprouts and a little salt. Stir. Cook for two minutes.
6.Serve hot.
Noodles: 400 grams
Oil: 6 tablespoons
Onion, sliced: 1 medium
Carrot, cut into strips: 1 medium
Green capsicum, seeded, cut into strips: 1 medium
Cabbage, shredded: ¼ small
Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
MSG (optional): ¼ teaspoon
Salt: To taste
White pepper powder: ¼ teaspoon
Bean sprouts: 1 cup
Spring onion greens, chopped: 1 stalk
1.Boil noodles in sufficient water. Drain, remove and cool.
2.Heat oil in a wok, add onion and stir-fry briefly. Add carrot, green capsicum, cabbage and stir-fry for two minutes, stirring and tossing continuously.
3.Add noodles, soy sauce, MSG, salt to taste, white pepper powder and cook on high heat for a couple of minutes or until the noodles are heated through, tossing continuously.
4.Add bean sprouts, mix well and serve hot garnished with spring onion greens.
Boneless chicken, finger sized pieces: 400 grams
Green chillies, chopped: 6-8
Cornflour: 2½ tablespoons
Salt: To taste
Black peppercorns, crushed: ½ teaspoon
Egg: 1
Dark soya sauce: 2 tablespoons
Oil: 1 tablespoon + to deep fry
Garlic, chopped: 8-10 cloves
Onion: 2 medium
Red chilli sauce: 2 tablespoons
Chicken stock: 1 cup
Vinegar: 2 tablespoons
Green capsicums, seeded, thick strips: 2 medium
1.Take chicken pieces in a bowl. Add half the cornflour, salt, crushed black peppercorns, egg and mix. Add a little dark soya sauce and mix.
2.Heat sufficient oil in a wok and deep fry the chicken pieces till golden. Take care not to overcook. Drain and set aside.
3.Heat oil in another wok. Add garlic and sauté for half a minute. Add green chillies and continue to sauté. Add onion, green capsicum and sauté.
4.Add the remaining dark soya sauce, red chilli sauce and stir. Add a little chicken stock and bring the mixture to a boil.
5.Blend the remaining cornflour in a little stock. Add fried chicken pieces to the wok and toss. Add blended cornflour and mix. Add salt and cook for a minute.
6.Add vinegar and stir. The starter is ready.
7.If you want gravy add some more stock and let it come to a boil.
8.Serve hot.
Basmati rice: 1½ cups
Jasmine flowers: 20-25
Oil: 2 tablespoons
Onion, finely chopped: 1 small
Yellow capsicum, seeded and finely chopped: ½ medium
Red capsicum, seeded and finely chopped: ½ medium
Salt: To taste
Spring onion greens, finely chopped: 3-4 stalks
1.Soak rice in four cups of water for half an hour. Drain.
2.Boil five cups of water with salt. Add soaked rice. After a while make a potli of jasmine flowers and add to the water for a short time. When the rice is half done remove the potli, drain the water and keep the rice aside.
3.Heat oil in a pan. Add onion and sauté. Add yellow and red capsicums and sauté. Add rice and stir gently. Add salt, spring onion greens, cover and cook till the rice is fully done but the grains remain separate.
4.Serve hot.
Note: If you want you can substitute yellow and red capsicums with one green capsicum.
Carrots, thinly sliced: 2 medium
Green capsicum, 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Red capsicum (optional), 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Yellow capsicum (optional), 1 inch triangles: 1 medium
Cashewnuts: 6-7
Fresh button mushrooms, sliced: 4-5
Spinach: 6-7 leaves
Cabbage, 1 inch cubes: ½ small
Oil: 1 tablespoon
Garlic, crushed: 2 cloves
Spring onions, quartered: 2
Dark soy sauce: 3 teaspoons
Vegetable stock: 1¼ cups
Cornflour: 2 teaspoons
Bean sprouts: ¼ cup
Salt: To taste
1.Heat a wok. Add oil and heat. Add garlic and sauté till lightly browned.
2.Add spring onions and stir. Add carrots, green capsicum, red capsicum, yellow capsicums and salt and toss.
3.Add cashewnuts, mushrooms, soy sauce and one cup of vegetable stock and stir.
4.Chop off the stems and roughly chop spinach.
5.Dissolve cornflour in the remaining vegetable stock and add to the wok. Stir and cook. When most of the moisture has evaporated add spinach, cabbage, bean sprouts and a little salt. Stir. Cook for two minutes.
6.Serve hot.
Noodles: 400 grams
Oil: 6 tablespoons
Onion, sliced: 1 medium
Carrot, cut into strips: 1 medium
Green capsicum, seeded, cut into strips: 1 medium
Cabbage, shredded: ¼ small
Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
MSG (optional): ¼ teaspoon
Salt: To taste
White pepper powder: ¼ teaspoon
Bean sprouts: 1 cup
Spring onion greens, chopped: 1 stalk
1.Boil noodles in sufficient water. Drain, remove and cool.
2.Heat oil in a wok, add onion and stir-fry briefly. Add carrot, green capsicum, cabbage and stir-fry for two minutes, stirring and tossing continuously.
3.Add noodles, soy sauce, MSG, salt to taste, white pepper powder and cook on high heat for a couple of minutes or until the noodles are heated through, tossing continuously.
4.Add bean sprouts, mix well and serve hot garnished with spring onion greens.
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