Creating A Self-Motivation Action Plan

STEP 1 : Clarify the goal
The first step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about the end result. Identify a project that you lack motivation about. Let's use "Make some sales calls" as an example.

Your goals should be SMART. In other words: Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic and with a Timescale.

So, the above goal made SMART would be "Speak to 10 prospective clients today".

STEP 2 : Identify the Obstacles
The second step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is to be clear about what is standing in your way. There are two types of obstacles - practical and emotional. Examples of practical obstacles are lack of time, resources or information. Examples of emotional obstacles are lack of confidence or fear of failure or rejection.

Make a list on your Self-Motivation Action Plan of all the obstacles standing in the way of you achieving your goal.

STEP 3 : Handle Each Obstacle
The third step of your Self-Motivation Action Plan is the most challenging. Go through each obstacle and handle it. If the obstacle is lack of time, ask yourself "How can I create time for this? What do I need to stop doing, start doing or delegate in order to create time?"

If the obstacle is lack of confidence, ask yourself "What am I afraid of? What is the worst thing that could happen?" Often the worst-case scenario is not as bad as you feared. But if it is serious, how can you reduce the risk of it occurring? What resources do you have that will help you?

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