
Yesterday was just that yesterday.

Today is what you decide to carry in from yesterday. The best option is to carry the positive and release the negative.

To live in the moment.

Not always so easy to do when you feel that you can't control what is happening around you and with that said the fear starts to creep inside of you. Realize fear is created to take you away from your center.

Can you imagine a life where we all listen and follow our hearts and guidance from above?

Take a minute and imagine it. Picture your perfect world. Let your perfect picture encompass your heart, then your home. Let it encompass your town and country. Then let it become part of the world.

Yes each person is unique in their idea of perfection but I can guarantee that if each person had to explain how it made them feel inside that the emotions would all be the same.

That is our connection. The connection of love. The belief of what it will create and make us feel like inside. Then how it will create harmony throughout the world.

We are all on a path to be aware of how special we are and how to live in a loving way. To understand that nothing is negative unless we choose to let it affect us in a negative light.

All things created are a gift. Even when you can't find a reason to think of it as a gift right now.

What you are learning from your uniquely created situation is helping you to discover and become aware on the path to remembering who you are and will become.

You are perfectly where you need to be.

All lessons you receive are a gift from the universe created by you.

All thoughts become your reality. Choose them wisely.

Live in the moment.

Let love show you the way.

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