Views about Yoga
Most people think that yoga is a physical exercise that provides relief for headaches, arthritis, and back pain, hypertension and weight reduction. When their health issues get fixed they discontinue their practice and forget about the wonderful discipline of yoga.
Very few are aware that yoga is a systematic and scientific discipline that calms the body and mind, prevents and cures many diseases and makes one experience the ultimate bliss - ‘peace of mind.’
What is Yoga?
•The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means to unite or join together. To unite the individual soul Jeevatma, with the universal soul Paramatma.
•Yoga is a timeless tradition, originating from Rig Veda, with a history of over 5000 years.
•Yoga is not a religion, but a basis of all religions.
•Sage Patanjali, the father of yoga defines yoga as “Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodah” meaning “control of the fluctuations of the mind. “
•Yoga is an inward journey that creates an awareness of your self and leads you to self transformation.
•Yoga is an ancient science of self development that transforms every aspect of an individual.
•Yoga is a system that purifies your mind and body and maintains perfect balance and harmony between them.
•Yoga is an art of controlling your mind, body and breath and unlocking the hidden potential.
•Yoga is preventive care and holistic system of healing that keeps you free from disease.
•Yoga is a way of life that shows you the right path and makes everything go right in your life.
•Yoga is a discipline that teaches you to “live in the present” and “let go the past.”
•Yoga is a philosophy that makes you to accept with a balance of mind everything that comes in the way of your life.
•Yoga is a natural beauty therapy that keeps you young and glowing from inside.
•Yoga is an inward journey that illumines your life beyond pain and suffering.
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