Do you ever ?

Do you ever avoid what must be done because you're just not in the mood? How many opportunities and possibilities are never fulfilled because you were not in the mood when it was time for action?
Whose mood is it, anyway? It's yours, and you have the option of adjusting your mood to serve your purposes. There are times when the best things in life will not wait until your mood happens to be right. There are times when it is in your best interest to put yourself in the mood for what must be done.

If you're not in the mood to do some particular task, there's a quick and easy way to put yourself in the mood. Simply visualize, clearly, richly and in full detail, how great it will feel to already have the job done.

The more you don't feel like doing it, the more you will want to have it done. Focus intensely on the benefits of having it done and that will put you in the mood to go ahead and get it done.

Your feelings have a powerful influence on you. So focus them in a positive, productive direction and let them push you forward.
~Ralph Marston

Boost Your Self-esteem I have valuable skills and talents. I respect my intelligence. I act on my feelings and beliefs. I like my appearance. I am worth knowing. Basically I like who I am.

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